Alder Creek Middle School PTO Meeting Minutes
January 9, 2024 ACMS Staff Lounge 7:45am Present: Laurie Kuntz, Hien Larson, Yvonne Moore, Kristin Cooksey, Kate Lord, Dyan Johnson, Saira West Quorum Present?: Yes Welcome/Intro, Laurie K.: -Meeting called to order at 7:50am. -Adopt December 2023 meeting minutes ; MOTION to approve last month’s meeting minutes made by Hien L.; Kate L. seconded, passed without dissent. Treasurer’s report, Kate L.: -Review of last month’s expenses that cleared the account. -Current bank balance is $34,594.20. Principal’s report, Hien L.: -Requesting funding from PTO for an upcoming assembly. -Attendance continues to be an important focus. Independent study students need to complete school work in order to receive attendance credit. -Students shouldn’t be taking Tart Connect to and from school since pick up might be delayed before school, and kids are waiting after school with not enough supervision available. Parents please have your student take the school bus to and from school. -February will begin planning for 8th grade promotion. First meeting will be at 5:30 on 2/6/24 before the PTO meeting at Raley’s One Loft, Truckee. -Parents please leave for school earlier to get your student to school on time. -The Mammoth Nordic competition and Honor band performance is February 2. -Next school dance is February 9. Meeting & Events Calendar, Yvonne M.: -No changes Next Fundraiser - Touchdown Tamales, Laurie K.: -Cost per dozen is $30, we usually order 10 dozen. Last year we charged $10 per raffle entry. This year considering giving a bonus ticket for a higher dollar donation, e.g. 6 entries for $50. Grant Requests, Kate L.: -None Upcoming Events, Hien L. and Laurie K.: -Open House is May 2. ELAC Kermes dinner at Open House. -Staff Appreciation week is May 6-10. -Graduation is June 13 up to June 20 depending on the number of snow days. New Business, Laurie K.: -None Meeting adjourned at 8:16am by Laurie K. Next meeting, February 6, 2024, 6:15pm at Raley’s One Loft in Truckee. Minutes submitted by Secretary, Yvonne Moore
Alder Creek Middle School PTO Meeting Minutes
December 5, 2023 Raley’s One Loft, Truckee 6:00pm Present: Laurie Kuntz, Dyan Johnson, Ilissa Curry, Jill Cox, Brandy Christensen, Katie Smith, Kristin Baird, Nicole Mason, Saira West, Kate Lord, Hien Larson, Yvonne Moore, Jenny Berger Quorum Present?: Yes Welcome/Intro, Laurie K.: -Meeting called to order at 6:14p -Adopt November 2023 meeting minutes ; MOTION to approve last month’s meeting minutes made by Katie S.; Kristin B. seconded, passed without dissent. Treasurer’s Report, Kate L.: -Income: Received check from Rotary for Robotix, sponsorship check from Treat Structural Engineering, total sponsorship income at $11,300. -Expenses: Constant contact, reimbursed Saira W. for sponsorship banner, 6th grade transportation to grizzly ranch $2200. Principal’s report, Hien L. -Jumprope (gradebook system) progress reports went out, hard copy available from office on request. -Winter band concert next Tuesday evening. -School “Olympics” are the week of 12/18 on Wednesday and Friday. Each grade level has a theme (e.g. 6th ‘colleges’) with each home room choosing specific idea within theme. Photos of Olympics will be available on ACMS Facebook page. -Peer Helpers and Safe School Ambassadors are collecting donations from homerooms for gift baskets for families in need. Homerooms decide if they will participate and choose a theme. Coat, toy and food drive in the lobby currently happening. -Drop off and pick up at school is better. Parents please take your time and leave earlier with the winter weather. Important to be on time in the morning so class starts on time. -ASB leadership proposal presentation; teachers’ gift will be gift cards. -Winter sports are starting, Volleyball and Nordic. Sports physical must be completed through an MD. Basketball and Nordic purchased new uniforms. -ELAC had a nice turnout for their meeting. Hien would like to see an overlap between ELAC and PTO meetings. -Next school dance will be in February. Grant Requests, Kate L.: -Teacher Susie Bates, requesting $116.91 for 6th grade ACES class to fund Rubix cube mural frame. Some of her students are going to a Rubix cube championship. MOTION to approve grant made by Katie S.; Ilissa C. seconded, passed without dissent. -Ms. Lally (reading intervention teacher) requesting $431 for reading incentive prizes for reluctant readers. Benefits about 137 students in all grades. PTO will fund this out of reading rewards budgeted line item. MOTION to approve using PTO budgeted line item to fund request made by Nicole M.; Saira W. seconded, passed without dissent. Upcoming events, Hien L. and Laurie K.: -Open house will be May 2. -8th grade promotion June 13 with no snow days, or June 20 with snow days. New Business, Laurie K.: -Creating a slide presentation for teachers on grant process procedures. -Laurie will contact Elvia to coordinate getting tamales for “Touchdown Tamales” fundraiser in January. -Laurie met with James Collins from Truckee Elementary PTO to get help with Google for non-profits. -Planning for 8th grade promotion is after ski skate week. -DC trip for 8th graders, Hien is working on finding someone to lead. Meeting adjourned at 6:41pm by Laurie K. Next meeting, January 9, 2024, 7:45 am at ACMS Staff Lounge Minutes submitted by Secretary, Yvonne Moore Alder Creek Middle School PTO Meeting Minutes
November 7, 2023 ACMS Staff Lounge, 7:40am Present: Hien Larson, Jill Cox, Erin Videgain, Saira West, Ashlie Taylor, Brandy Christensen, llisa Curry, Amanda Helm, Kim Heseltein, Laurie Kuntz, Yvonne Moore Absent: Kate Lord Quorum Present?: Yes Welcome/Intro, Laurie K: -Meeting called to order at 7:42am -Adopt October 2023 meeting minutes ; MOTION to approve last month's meeting minutes made by Erin V.; Hien L. seconded, passed without dissent. Treasurer’s Report, Laurie K. (on behalf of Kate Lord): -Income: Sponsorships came in at $10,700, including Family Community. HIen is meeting with teachers to let them know there will be money available for grants. Conference Week donations were received from parents. -Expenses: Sponsorship banners cost $205, less than budgeted for. Back to School flannels were given to new staff so expenses were higher than budgeted for. Cougar pride prizes were a budgeted expense. Principal’s Report, Hien L.: -Grizzly Ranch went well for the 6th graders last week. Community building, hiking, skits, great high school counselors. High School counselors will continue to mentor during the year. -7th grade SWEP field day. Two groups over two days went well. There will be another trip through Headwaters later in the year. -Food and Coat drive currently on. The warm coats benefit the students at ACMS as well. There might be a need for sleeping bags that are used for Grizzly Ranch. Amanda suggested asking the Rec Center for any leftover coats after the annual gear swap. -Yearbook is looking for extra photos taken by parents, usually accepted until March. -Spirit day (Pajamas) on Thursday, earned from cougar pride cards. -For Thanksgiving, the school counselors drop off gifts and dinner to students’ families in need. Funded by the Truckee community and food boxes from the TTUSD food service. -PTO may be asked to sponsor a couple of students for Grizzly Ranch. -Yearbook PTO page needs to be completed by 1/15/23. Yearbook teacher and students will lay out. Meeting and Events Calendar, Laurie K.: -One change, PTO meeting on December 5th will be at 6pm at Raley’s One upstairs, instead of in the morning. PTO Bylaws Amendment, Yvonne M.: -Proposal to add a Quorum. “A quorum will consist of two members, other than the president, who only votes in case of a tie.” MOTION to approve amendment by Laurie K.; Amanda H. seconded, passed without dissent. Request for Endorsement Letter for Friends of the Truckee Library, Laurie K.: -A brief overview of the plans for building a new Truckee library. -MOTION to approve the endorsement letter made by Laurie K.; Jill C. seconded, passed without dissent. ASB Leadership presentation and Grant Request: Students; Layla A., Sidney H., Eloise C, Sophia R, Allison M, -”Teacher Respect” project from Regal leadership camp (camp tuition was funded by Truckee Rotary). Each year after camp, there is a project that the attendees complete. -Proposal: 1) Classroom supplies are often mistreated by students, and need to be replaced. The idea is for students to take ownership of treating supplies respectfully, and to replace the broken supplies before the teacher needs to ask for new ones. 2) Staff will be spotlighted in the daily bulletin, will receive an appreciation card and a gift. -Request for $1750 for financial support; $1000 for classroom supplies, $720 for teacher appreciation gifts, and $30 for cards. Discussion on whether or not PTO should fund classroom supplies. Hien will ask the Site Council for $1000 to fund the supplies. Hien suggested including substitute teachers for the teacher recognition. -MOTION to approve $750 grant to ASB leadership for staff appreciation project made by Erin V.; Brandy C. seconded, passed without dissent. New Business: -Jill Cox will help with ACMS PTO social media. -Brandy asked about Google for nonprofits, suggested talking to Darcy Salinas from Glenshire. -Amanda H. asked about 8th grade promotion planning meetings. Hien said she starts them in February or March. Laurie requested to start the planning meetings earlier to get more help. -Open House auction, Laurie said Delana H. offered to help. No classroom baskets this year. -Amanda H. asked about an overnight field trip for current 8th graders since they didn’t have any in 5th and 6th grade due to Covid 19. Hien said it is difficult to organize overnight field trips because the overnight trips need to be in the teachers’ contracts before the school year starts. Hien thought that a special trip during the day would be great. There are about 180 8th grade students at ACMS. -Laurie K. suggested attendance at the TTUSD facilities master plan meeting on 11/8/23. Meeting adjourned at 8:53pm by Laurie K. Next meeting, December 5, 2023, 6pm at Truckee Raley’s ONE upstairs Loft. Minutes submitted by Secretary, Yvonne Moore Alder Creek Middle School PTO Meeting Minutes
October 3, 2023 ACMS Staff Lounge, 7:40am Present: Yvonne Moore, Katie Smith, Julia Worster, Erin Videgain, Ilissa Curry, Laurie Kuntz, Dyan Johnson, Brandy Christensen, Caren Schatz, Kristin Cooksey, Ashlie Taylor Absent: Saira West, Kate Lord Quorum Present?: Yes Welcome/Intro, Laurie K: -Meeting called to order at 7:45am -Adopt September 2023 meeting minutes; MOTION to approve last months meeting minutes by Erin V.; Katie S. seconded, passed without dissent. Treasurer’s Report, Laurie K. (on behalf of Kate Lord) -$10,800 received so far from sponsorships thanks to Saira W. and Erin V. -A few expenses have been paid out that were already in the approved budget, so no vote needed to pay out. Grant Request, Laurie K. (on behalf of Kate Lord): -Grant request from teacher Sarah Adams; $500 for classroom math posters that are in English and Spanish. MOTION to approve grant request by Katie S.; Erin V. seconded, passed without dissent. Sponsorships, Laurie K. (on behalf of Saira West): -In the process of getting final sponsors’ logos for the banner. -Still waiting on some sponsorship money to come in. -Brandy C’s husband’s company might like to sponsor. Review updated ACMS PTO Bylaws, Laurie K.: -Reviewed changes/updates to 2008 bylaws. MOTION to approve the updated bylaws by Laurie K.; Dyan J. seconded, passed without dissent. Principal’s Update, Laurie K. (on behalf of Hien Larson): -School news: ACMS Dance-a-thon October 20. Biggest fundraiser of the year for the Associated Student Body (ASB). Meetings & Events Calendar, Laurie K.: -Deleted school dances as a PTO participation event. PTO will no longer host a table at the dances to sell glow sticks, etc. Conference Week Meals for staff, October 23-27, Erin V. and Katie S.: -A few days have changed for what is being served, e.g. no more breakfast since teachers don’t eat until lunch. -Theme days include: Mediterranean Monday, Taco Tuesday, Wednesday soups and salads, Thursday Italian, Friday potato bar. -Sign up genius is more specific with quantities for food donations, and accommodates dietary needs (dairy free, vegan). -Suggestion to purchase reusable silverware, but might not work since teachers bring plated food back to their classrooms and might throw away utensils. ACTION: Katie S. will research feasibility for reusable utensils. New Business, Laurie K.: -Would like to move to Google for Nonprofits but needs help getting started. ACTION: Katie S. will ask her husband to help. -8th grade promotion committee, would like more people to participate and get a planning committee started. The promotion party happens at ACMS after the graduation ceremony. Financial support for the party comes from parent donations and PTO. Ilissa C., Dyan J., and Caren S. offered to help. -PTO supplies have been moved to upstairs storage. Other Business, Laurie K.: -Laurie needs a volunteer to help with social media. Meeting adjourned at 8:20am by Laurie K. Next meeting, November 7, 2023, 6pm at Truckee Raley’s ONE upstairs Loft Minutes submitted by Secretary, Yvonne Moore Alder Creek Middle School PTO meeting minutes 9/5/23
Location: Raley’s One McKinney Loft Meeting called to order at 6:10pm Attendees: Caren Schatz, Erin Videgain, Dyan Johnson, Laurie Kuntz, Jill Cox, Becky Barton, Brandy Christensen, Saira West, Kate Lord, Yvonne Moore, Nicole Mason, Kristin Cooksey, Katie Smith, Hien Larson Welcome/Intro, Laurie K -Adopt June 2023 meeting minutes, Saira W. made a motion to approve, Kate L seconded, all voted in favor. -Taking a photo of attendees at the end of the meeting for the yearbook Treasurer’s Report, Kate L: -Recent expenses include 8th grade promotion dance and teacher welcome back to school breakfast. -Fiscal Budget for current school year proposed. Made changes to expenses to allow for a balanced budget. Income does not include photo shoots or school dances. Expense budget includes; a proposed limit of $1000 for the 8th grade promotion dance, an increase to $990 for SWEP program, no Arts For the Schools (now called Fox Cultural Hall) as they have changed their programming, reading rewards budgeted for $1750 for sweatshirts. Income budget includes leftover money for the band from a targeted donation from last school year. Saira W. made a motion to approve the budget, Yvonne M. seconded, all voted in favor. -Spread the word about Grocery Outlet donating a portion of a customer’s sale to their school of choice upon request. Principal’s Update, Laurie K (on behalf of Hien Larson): -Great start to the school year. Morning and afternoon drop off is flowing better than last year at this time. Grant Requests, Laurie K (on behalf of Hien L.): -1) Hien L. requested $337 for medical hip packs for teacher’s to wear while monitoring lunch and break times. The goal is to cut down on students going to the office for simple medical needs like a bandaid. Kate L. made a motion to approve, Erin V. seconded, all voted in favor. -2) Hien L. requested $400 for flannel shirts for the new teachers (matching the shirts given out for teacher appreciation gifts last May). Yvonne M. made a motion to approve, Nicole M. seconded, all voted in favor. -3) New teacher, Andrew Olson, requested $1000 for partial funding for ‘VEX IQ Robotix’ program for 7th grade. Erin V. helped get a Rotary grant that will fund this. Saira W. made a motion to approve, Katie S. seconded, all voted in favor. Sponsorships, Saira W.: -Erin V. and Laurie K. have been helping with sponsorships. Preliminary count shows we have made our target budget amount of $7500 for sponsorship donations. -Excellence in Education might be looking for a new Alder Creek Middle School parent representative since Susie Overall no longer has a student at ACMS. Meeting and Events Calendar, Laurie K.: -The PTO meeting dates have been approved for this school year. A school dance will be coming up soon but we don’t know the date yet. Spirit Wear, Laurie K. (on behalf of Kristi Prochazka): -Last year Kristi Prochazka tried selling spirit wear through an on-line ordering store which was unsuccessful. This year Kristi pre-ordered 75 hoodies in one style and color. Kristi and Laurie sold 50 sweatshirts at Cougar Day. Conference Week October 23-27, Erin V and Katie S.: -Same menu plan as last year; Monday salads, Tuesday breakfast, Wednesday Raley’s sandwiches, Thursday soups, Friday baked potato bar. Open to suggestions for changes to menu. Using Sign Up Genius again to have parents volunteer to bring in food or contribute with financial donations. PTO Admin, Laurie K: -PTO Bylaws need to be reviewed and updated. Board will review and suggest changes to vote on at the next general meeting. PTO Board & Committee Chairs, Laurie K: -Leader (Laurie K.), Co-Leader (Open), Treasurer (Kate L.), Secretary (Yvonne M.), Sponsorships (Saira W.), Spirit Wear (Kristi P.), Conference Week (Katie S., Erin V.), Staff Appreciation Week (Open), Open House Silent Auction (Yvonne M., Kate L.). Website and Newsletter (Laurie K.), Social Media (Open), Fundraising (Open). Kristin Cooksey volunteered to help with Staff Appreciation Week. Meeting Adjourned: 7:11pm. Next PTO meeting October 3, 7:45am at the ACMS Staff Lounge. Welcome / Intro
Attendees: Susie Overall, Nicole Reitter, Saira West, Yvonne Moore, Kate Lord, Katie Smith, Hien Larson, Dyan Johnson, Laurie Kuntz, Kristi Prochazka. Introductions and welcome! Adopt meeting minutes from May. Laurie made a motion to approve and Kate seconded, all approved. Treasurer’s Report & Budget Review Kate - Report for 2022-23 school year. Grant or Reimbursement requests - use this Form. Grant request to review. Budget - needs to be created for next year, set meeting for summer. Open House fundraiser went well. Gross from auction was $5211, Kermes Gross $2020. 8th grade promotion donation of $750 from West Orthodontics. Currently in account $30,174 after current checks are cashed. There are upcoming expenses for end of the year transportation for school field trips which will bring us to about $22,000. PTO purchased more playground equipment for around $200. Mrs. Tomaselo’s music conference expense was paid out of the $2000 band donation. Kate will look into the max budget for a non-profit and if we need to move some money into a CD. Grant request for 6th grade science class for S’Mores solar ovens, $92.55. Laurie made a motion to approve and Nicole seconded. All in favor. Went over proposed budget for next school year. We are showing a little deficit for next year’s budget. Kristi suggested promoting Grocery Outlet, more sponsorships, and look into a U.S. Bank money market fund. Susie made a motion to add Laurie Kuntz to the ACMS PTO bank account at US Bank. Yvonne seconded, all approved. Principal’s Update Hien - working on 8th grade awards for the end of the year and invitations. Chromebooks for all students will be collected this year. Chromebook insurance will not be offered next year because it doesn’t cover what actually happens to Chromebooks. Chromebooks will officially be the property of the school. We are adding a new grading system, Jumprope, in order to better communicate learning. Our district is looking into different math options. FOSS is our newly adopted science curriculum. Mrs. Berelson is retiring and Mrs. Keller and Mrs. Bouchard are leaving (moving out of the area). A new tech teacher has been hired. New advisory program district wide for social emotional. Cougar day is 8/21 from around 11 - 2. Summer campus will be open once a week for a few hours for library and Chromebook access. Parents will be asked to fill out transportation information before school starts, preferably before or at Cougar Days. Headwaters science field trip for 7th graders yesterday and Thursday. Open House Susie - May 11th. Silent Auction: $5,211, Kermes Dinner: $2,020. Easy to use Bidding Owl. Need someone to oversee for next year. Need to send out thank yous to donors. HUGE thank you to volunteers!! Suggestion to shorten the number of days the auction is open and end it the following Monday since people wait to bid and we can get the baskets out of the office. Three items have not been paid for or picked up. Nicole created a thank you for our business owners and tagged them on social media. There is a record of businesses who donated and their contact info in a spreadsheet in the PTO drive. 8th Grade Promotion Susie - Summary. Volunteers needed. Seed money is rolled over each year for the following year. Laurie reminded us that the Promotion Celebration comes together over the last week. Need more 8th grade parents to help. Spirit Wear Kristi - Will just have sweatshirts, ordering through Dead Ringer. She is waiting to hear back since the owner is out of town. Budget was talked about for 100 sweatshirts at a cost of $25 each. Katie made a motion to approve and Kate seconded, all agreed. There's another option she's going to look in to. Cougar Days August 21st, 11 - 1. Katie Smith, Kate, Laurie and Yvonne. Selling sweatshirts and bracelets. Volunteer sign up sheet. Have parents sign up as volunteer drivers for field trips. PTO Sponsorships Saira - (Saira will contact Erin Videgain). Saira is putting together a time line for the fall. Board and Committees Next Year Kate L. (Treasurer), Saira W. (Sponsorships) Yvonne M. (Secretary), Kristi P. (Spirit Wear), Conference Week (Katie S., Erin V.), Staff Appreciation (Laurie K.), Open House (Yvonne, Kate L.), Social Media (Kate L.). Need Co-Leaders, Newsletter and Website, support for committees, At Large positions, staff room snacks coordinator. New Business, Questions, Ideas, Thank Yous Ideas welcome! Parents’ Social during 8th Grade Celebration. Update bylaws and board positions. Upcoming Calendar. Change handle for Instagram? Thank you gift for graduating 8th grade PTO board? Saira will create a calendar for PTO meetings. Continue to alternate morning and afternoon. Adjourn 9:20am Next meeting TBD - during summer to create budget, plan for Cougar Days. Welcome / Intro: Introductions and welcome! meeting minutes from April were adopted at 7:53 AM.
Attendees: Susie Overall, Nicole Reitter, Saira West, Yvonne Moore, Kate Lord, Katie Smith, Hien Larson, Dyan Johnson, Laurie Kuntz Treasurer’s Report & Budget Review Kate Lord. Report for 2022-23 school year. We received $ 1300 in donations for staff appreciation week, with $956 expenses. This was a positive for us overall and can help to cover the staff flannels. New budget - needs to be created for next year at a separate meeting. Grant Request: Ms. Lally requested a grant to cover reading club sweatshirts for 7/8th graders who have grown 1.5 years developmentally on their Star reading test or who have read 1 million words. The sweatshirts cost $1497 plus staff members for an additional $1706 - $19 each (local company Deadringer - Joey) A motion was made by Yvonne at 8:02 am and seconded by Katie, approved unanimously at 8:03 am. The line item for the reading budget was increased to $3500 for next year. Ms. Larsen is wondering if we can have a flex fund for spur of the moment teacher reimbursements? It would be on top of the Principal’s fund. Katie made a motion to approve $500 for this year, approved unanimously at 8:05 AM. We will have a separate meeting for next year’s budget. Principal’s Update Thank you for the best Staff Appreciation week ever! Open house - Kermes might be outside depending on weather. Looking for a microwave to heat tortillas. $10 per plate. Food is almost completely donated. Put tickets in teacher’s boxes, we will cover their meals. Desserts are separate. CAASPP testing mon-thurs the next two weeks. extended to June 2nd. Encourage good breakfasts 8:15-9:16 every morning. No photos or videos at school. This will be enforced. Sports Physicals necessary for next year for incoming 5th graders. Deadline for yearbooks is coming - make sure you order by 5/19. There are some upcoming end of the year activities: 7th grade Rideout Field day - West Shore activity - June 5th and June 8th splitting the class in half . Beach day for each grade 8th is 6/12. Beach day for 7th is 6/13 & Beach day for 6th is 6/16. 6th grade is also going to Reno air show on 6/23. 6/21 is 8th grade awards, 6/22 is 8th grade promotion. We need 7th grade parent help for promotion. Bussing is going to be provided by TTUSD for all above mentioned activities. The 8th grade Reno Aces game was a huge hit. 8th grade Sierra College experience went well - they are offering free classes in high school to get free college credits. The most recent Dance was best one we have ever had. 7 years strategic Plan working on - Safety, Community, Transitions, Academic - will propose to board. Staff Appreciation May 1st - 5th. Laurie Kuntz did an amazing job organizing this fun week! Thank you!!! Open House May 11th - Yvonne Moore, Susie Overall, Katie Lord are on the committee. Silent Auction baskets need to be put together. Kermes Dinner 5-6. Need: cash box, tickets for Kermes dinner, Square adapters, volunteers. Will have high schoolers get community service hours and monitor auction items. 8th Grade Portraits Nicole Reitter planned this event. Unfortunately, last Sunday was canceled, however, there are two more dates: May 10 at Donner Lake & Friday May 12, location TBD Tamale Fundraiser It was decided to move this to next year - there is too much going on these last few weeks of school. Spirit Wear Kristi P. gave the update - Need to order items for display at Cougar Days. Budget, timing to order before event. 12 unit minimum. Unfortunately, our online store was not successful - there was only one sale. The direction of spiritwear was discussed in detail and the plan moving forward will be to order one sweatshirt instead and sell it in person. Black - side logo. We will be closing our online shop and discontinuing all other spiritwear due to lack of interest. PTO Sponsorships Saira West will take over next year. Erin Videgan may help as well. Board and Committees Next Year Kate L. (Treasurer), Yvonne (Secretary) , Kristi P. (Spirit Wear), Sponsorships (Saira), Conference Week (Katie S., Erin V.), Staff Appreciation (Laurie K.), Open House (Yvonne, Kate L.). Need Co-Leaders, Newsletter, Social Media and Website, support for committees. Susie to write up job descriptions. New Business, Questions, Ideas, Thank Yous Ideas welcome! Parents’ Social during 8th Grade Celebration? Update bylaws and board positions. Upcoming Calendar. Make sure to discuss Cougar Days. Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 9:20 AM Next meeting scheduled - June 6th 7:45 AM at ACMS Lounge ACMS PTO Meeting
April 13th, 2023, 6:15 pm Raley's ONE Loft Welcome/Intro: Call to order at 6:28pm. Attendees: Susie Overall, Yvonne Moore (taking minutes), Hien Larson, Nicole Reitter, Kristi Prochazka, Kate Lord, Daniel Saville, Ratana Tan, Jason Barton, Laurie Kuntz, Kristin Baird. Adopt meeting minutes from 3/14/23: Hien L motioned to approve, Kristin B seconded, all in favor. Treasurer's Update: Kate L: Donation from the Todd family for $2000 to the ACMS band. Grocery Outlet donation from customer shopping percentage. Principal's Update: Hien Larson. 8th grade field trip going to Sierra College to experience what college classes are like. 8th grade will also go to a Reno Aces game on May 4, PTO will help fund transportation. 8th grade going to West End beach June 12. 7th grade will have a field day wherever they can find space, West End beach day is June 13. 6th grade beach day is June 16. 6th grade will also get to go to the air show at Truckee airport. June 7 and 8 are elementary school visits to ACMS. Open house May 11 with an ELAC Kermes. State testing May 15 – 26. Thanks to PTO for gift card donations for the Cougar Pride card winners. Working on a school dance for May 5. 8th grade parent meeting on 4/27 to plan end of the year celebration on June 22. Spirit Wear: Kristi P. The first round of the online ACMS logo shop opened in March with an announcement in Cougar News and at the parent night for incoming 6th graders. There was only one order. Kristi suggested we do an up-front order for Cougar Days in August and then order one of each item to have on hand so people can see what is available to purchase online. We can then do the online shop two or three times during the school year. Make sure to have a QR code available. Staff Appreciation, May 1st - 5th: Laurie K. & Susie O. Flannel shirts with ACMS logo have been ordered for staff. Laurie has created fun-filled woodsy themed agenda for the week. Volunteers are needed as well as financial and Amazon List contributions. Monday is Lumberjack & Jill pancake breakfast (with selfie station), Tuesday is flannel shirt gift and thank you note, Wednesday is Smokey’s Kitchen BBQ lunch with dessert from Palisades Tahoe/Cortney Hadley (with camp ACMS Mad Libs), Thursday trail mix bar and cold drinks, Friday is Teacher survival kit goodie bag (OR a to-go weekend s’mores kit). The Sign Up is available now for food and time donations. Open House, May 11th: Susie O., Yvonne, Kate L. We will have a Kermes dinner. Last year Latinas Unidas club made all desserts and PTO donated the money back to the club. We have provided a suggested list of basket themes to home room teachers. Items need to be delivered before May 8th. Baskets will be put together that week and set up for the night of Open House. Bidding Owl will be opened that evening and available for one week. Need QR codes to link to items. Gift cards to restaurants and stores work well for the silent auction. Susie will send spreadsheet link for donation requests from local businesses. 8th Grade Portraits, May 7th, 10th & 12th: Nicole Reitter. Whitby B is charging $100 for each of 30 slots. Will charge $125, fundraising will go towards 8th grade promotion celebration. Each photo shoot will be for 15 minutes and will include 10 images. Will include an option for additional donations. Sign Up is available now. Tamale Fundraiser: Susie. Planned to do this for Cinco de Mayo. However - we are asking for a lot of donations from parents for the Silent Auction and Staff Appreciation. We'll hold off on this again. PTO Sponsorships: We need to start organizing and asking for sponsors for next school year. Cash sponsors at different levels get recognized on a banner in front of school and in gym, in the yearbook, and in the monthly newsletter. Board Positions and Committee Chairs: Susie O. and Nicole R. will be graduating. For next school year - Need a leader, newsletter editor and website editor. Kate Lord: Treasurer. Saira West & Yvonne Moore: Co-Secretaries. Kristi P: Spirit Wear. Denise: Sponsorships. Katie S. & Erin V.: Conference Week. Laurie K.: Staff Appreciation Week. Open House: Yvonne & Kate Lord. New Business, Ideas: Parent Social during next dance at Alibi? Informal invite to gather there, perhaps we can set up drink and food specials with them? Next meeting will be May 9, 2023, at 7:45am in the ACMS staff lounge. Adjourn: 7:15 pm ACMS PTO meeting 3.14.2023
Raley's O.N.E. Loft, call to order 6:15 pm. Welcome / Intro: Introductions and welcome! Meeting minutes from the February meeting were approved at 6:28 PM. The motion was made by Laurie Kuntz and seconded by Wendy McKechnie. In Attendance: Susie Overall, Nicole Reitter, Saira West, Yvonne Moore, Kate Lord, Hien Larson, Wendy McKechnie, Jenny Berger, Kristin Baird, Laurie Kuntz Treasurer’s Report & Budget Review: Kate Lord gave the treasurer’s report Report for 2022-23 school year We currently have a net worth of $25, 590. We made $115 at the school dance, $65 recently in spirit wear sales, and $263 from Grocery Outlet. We are also about to receive our final payment from Amazon Smile, for $53., Sadly, they are ending their program. Mabel’s Labels was discussed as a possible new fundraiser - they give 20% back from all purchases. Grant or Reimbursement requests - use this Form. Requests: Create scholarship form for Boys & Girls Club. Principal’s Update: Hien Larson gave her update: There have been continuing issues getting kids to school on time - it is creating a problem with missed learning time. It is not an issue with the buses, it is the kids being dropped off. / Volleyball and Nordic season have ended - both were great this year. Track and Field is starting now, and wrestling continues. Girls soccer tryouts is 3/15. There is also a Band concert at North Tahoe High on 3/16. / A representative or two is needed for Middle School Parent Night on Tuesday 3/21 to host a PTO table. / The 8th Grade promotion planning meeting will be 3/30 at 8AM in the staff lounge. From there on out, planning meetings will alternate between mornings and evenings each month. There is no date set yet for 8th grade promotion - it really depends on when our last day of school is. The last day of school will be called at the end of March - we need to see how many snow days the state will waive. / There are no bikes or e-bikes allowed to be ridden home from the dances - parents must pick up their child. It is too dangerous and can’t be allowed moving forward. The next dance date is TBD, but we are expecting one this Spring. / There are no more minimum days for ACMS this academic year - teachers need that time for learning instruction. Spirit Wear: Our first online sale on the new platform will start March 19th in order to have sales open for Middle School Parent Night. Link to items. It is only open for a week at a time, and then closes again. There is a discounted rate for Spirit Wear for staff. Tamale Fundraiser: Originally, this second tamale raffle was supposed to be for Superbowl Weekend, then it was discussed moving it to Cinco de Mayo, but we decided that it will be too close to Open House (May 11th) and so we decided to skip this one. Staff Appreciation: May 1st - 5th. Laurie Kuntz, Susie Overall. Hien requested flannel shirts (Susie contacted NTHS) and lanyards. The loss of the minimum day will slightly affect the staff luncheon. Open House: Open House will be May 11th. Yvonne Moore, Susie Overall & Katie Lord are on the planning committee. Silent Auction baskets put together by each homeroom with a specific theme. Kermes Dinner for all! PTO Sponsorships: No updates for sponsorships this month New Business, Questions, Ideas, Thank Yous: 8th Grade Portraits were set up by Nicole Reitter - Whitby B will be doing them May 7, 10, 12 - $150 for one graduate traditional, or $200 for a bigger package that includes an outfit change ($50 to PTO) Stay tuned for sign ups, 8th grade parents. Although we decided to shelve planning a separate parent social, it was discussed that during the next school dance, we could have a very informal concurrent parent meet up at Alibi Ale Works in downtown Truckee. Discussion of updating bylaws and board positions. Upcoming Calendar Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 7:09 PM Next meeting - April 13th, 6:15 pm in Raley’s Loft.. ACMS PTO meeting 2.9.2023
ACMS Staff Room, call to order 7:49am. In Attendance: Laurie Kuntz, Saira West, Susie Overall, Kristi Prochazka, Becky Barton, Yvonne Moore (minutes), Hien Larson Approve meetings from last month: Yvonne made a motion to approve, Kristi seconded and all agreed. Treasurer’s Report - Susie for Kate: Use Quicken for online platform. PTO Expenses - $100 for ice skating event (17 kids signed up), staff snacks in teacher’s lounge, extra night for band teacher, $120 month for Cougar Pride gift cards, reading challenge incentives, Million Word Club sweatshirts. Paid PTO insurance through Todd Rivera at District Office. Paid 6th grade field trip. $25,445 balance in bank account. Income – Sold some spirit wear. Principal’s Update -Hien L: Site Council Plan is being approved next Thursday at 8am. Looking to get student and parent on a safety committee to give input to update student handbook, e.g. no cell phone at lunch. Homework club has gotten busier, but kids need to come with homework and not just to hang out. Upcoming dance this Friday, students need to sign up online through Google form before the end of the school day for safety reasons. Superintendent Ghysels came to listen for Strategic plan update suggestions. Hien randomly pulled some students to give feedback. Lots of positive feedback on band and request for art and electives. Discussion about offering a scholarship to kids in need for boys and girls club at $100 per year. Yvonne moved to offer 5 annual scholarships to boys and girls clubs for families in need, Laurie seconded and all approved. Susie will create a scholarship form and Hien will review the applicants. 8th grade promotion committee meeting will be on March 30th at 8:00am in the staff lounge. West Orthodontics will annually sponsor the photo booth at the 8th grade promotion party. Celebration will take place at ACMS. The Pause Reflect Plan mid-year evaluation was completed by students. Hien thinks it would be helpful to complete more than once a year to get students to look at Aeries. Laurie had a question about the Strategic Plan and if the curriculum is part of that because she has heard math might be changed. CPM is being discussed since it is very language based. Currently a new science program “Foss” is being piloted. Becky asked about safety in the School Site Plan: where and how an evacuation would be in case of a fire or other emergency and how children would be moved. Hien said it depends on where and what the emergency is. The local fire department and transportation helps district wide with these plans. There has been a problem with too many students being late and it is effecting the start of class time. Parents need to get students to school earlier. Spirit Wear update - Kristi P: Moving to an online platform through BSN sports. This is the same platform that the Truckee High Boosters uses. We get a certain dollar amount per sale. We can set sale periods ahead of time. PTO is responsible for promoting the sales and the website does all the rest. Each sale goes on for one week at a time. PTO could do four or five sales at strategic times. The first opportunity would be March 21st for the 5th grade parents touring ACMS. Other times are Cougar days before school starts, last week of November before winter break, etc. Maybe utilize the display case at school to display items and next date for sale. School Dance - Susie O: February 10, We have blinky rings and glasses, and Pura Vida bracelets to sell. Laurie and Jenny Berger volunteered to sell at the PTO table. Other Business – Susie: Next tamale fundraiser will be chosen on March 24. Ice Skating Event cost was $100 and there were 17 sign ups. Held on a minimum day and a lot of students opted to go skiing. Staff Appreciation held the week of May 8th – 11th. Laurie K and Susie will chair. For a gift, Hien requested soft shell zip down jackets ($40 each) and lanyards for 70 staff members. Laurie suggested reusable tote bags. Open house is May 11th. Host a movie night at Northstar (?) after the snow clears? Next PTO meeting: Tuesday, March 14, 6:15pm Raley’s One upstairs Meeting Adjourned at 9:10am |
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025