ACMS PTO August 2021 Minutes
August 11th, 2021, 5:30 pm Attendees Susie Overall, Jenny Berger, Jenny Suh, Karsten Swenson, Yvonne Moore The focus of the PTO this year will be to reconnect our students. Board Members We need people to cover board positions - Co-Leaders, Secretary, Treasurer, Fundraising. Other tasks that need to be managed include the monthly newsletter, Facebook posts. Our group can share the load of these things. It’s great to have people just willing to step up when work needs to be done for events. Treasurer’s Report Balance: $6170. We need to obtain the checkbook and financial records from the previous Treasurer. Susie will work on updating and creating the budget for the upcoming year. Principal’s Update Questions we have right now for Hien:
- Budget for Field Trips - We are NOT doing fundraising for the big field trips as we have in the past (6th grade to Sage Hen, 7th grade to ropes course and 8th grade to Wild Island). With all the uncertainty around COVID, we can't commit to anything nor pay any deposits. We would really like to plan some smaller events to reconnect the kids throughout the year which don't involve chartering buses, paying deposits, etc. Some ideas we had included beach days, THS football games, etc. We need your help with ideas and planning! Cougar Days - August 23rd PTO Table: We will have a table set up to hand out information on PTO - what we do, when we meet. We will also have a QR Code with information available online. Susie will set up a Sign Up Genius so we can have shifts manning the table. School Supplies: We won’t be selling school supply kits this year. Hien will let us know if there are some high demand items we could possibly have on hand to sell a la carte. (graph paper, composition books, colored pencils, pencils?) Or perhaps we could offer to fund school supplies for families in need. Spirit Wear: We will have spirit wear available for sale - beanies, sweatshirts, t-shirts - as well as available to order. Susie will try to set up the ability to take credit cards or at least Venmo before the 23rd. We will provide paper order forms as well as a QR Code for online ordering. Back to School Night - September 9th PTO will have a PTO presence that evening - Susie will set up a Sign Up Genius. Hien and I discussed having a to go Kermes dinner available for pre-order and pick up that night, preparation costs to be covered by PTO and proceeds to benefit PTO. The PTO is interested in ensuring packaging is as green as possible and would be willing to look into supplying packaging. PTO Meetings Meetings will be the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 am. We can discuss occasionally having meetings in the evening. As of now, we can meet in the ACMS staff room. Hopefully there will be a teacher liaison available to attend the meetings, perhaps the assistant principal? Ideas
Next meeting will be on September 8th, 2021, at 7:30 am in the ACMS Staff Lounge. Adjourn 7:00 pm
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025