Alder Creek Middle School - PTO Board Meeting
Date: September 22nd, 2022 Time/Location: 7:30-9am/ACMS Staff Room Members present: Susie Overall, Saira West, Yvonne Moore, Erin Videgan, Kristi Prochazka, Kate Lord, Kate Smith, Reini Jensen, Nicole Reitter, Laurie Kuntz, Kendra McGargill, Hien Larson Welcome / Intro: Greetings were made and incoming as well as new families to the school were introduced. PTO Board & Committee Heads: All of the open volunteer positions were read and the following positions were filled: Co-Leaders - Susie Overall & OPEN Co-Secretaries - Saira West & Yvonne Moore Treasurer - Kate Lord Silent Auction Committee: Susie Overall, Kate Lord & Yvonne Moore Staff Appreciation Week: Nicole Reitter & Laurie Kuntz Conference Week Planning: Erin Videgan & Kate Smith Cougar Days Volunteers for 2023: Laurie Kuntz, Katie Smith, Yvonne Moore Sponsorships Committee: Erin Videgan & Denise Van Beek Spirit Wear: Kristi Prochazka The position of Co-Leader was turned into a two year revolving position, so Susie can help to train the oncoming co-chair, who would then be more of a leader the following year to the next co-chair and share the duties. This eliminates the Vice-President position and will be updated in the by-laws. Review Calendar for Upcoming Year It was decided that due to conflicts on Tuesdays, the PTO will meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month, alternating between 7:45 AM in the ACMS Faculty Lounge and 6:00 PM at the Raley’s Mezzanine. Treasurer’s Report & Budget Review Treasurer Kate Lord presented the treasurer’s report. There was $1600 left over from the 8th grade graduation committee last year. Options were discussed to roll it over to the following year so that they have a cushion to start with vs. putting the unspent money into scholarships or various other options. Ultimately, Ms. Larsen believes that it should be rolled over to the following year, as there were various goods and services donated to graduation, so the funds leftover are not truly “extra”. A motion was made at 8:10AM by Reini Jensen to approve the balanced budget, and it was seconded by Erin Videgan and passed unanimously. The budget was approved at 8:11 AM. Susie Overall and Kate Lord will meet at US Bank to add her to the ACMS PTO Checking Account. Principal’s Update Hien Larson gave her update for September. This year has started out tough with staffing challenges. We finally have three new teachers (one in each grade) and are currently interviewing for a Vice Principal. Unfortunately, Jason Estabrook is going back to the High School. We have also had difficulties with transportation and thus have no busing for field trips, we will be relying on parent volunteer drivers for many things this year. The biggest field trip will be an overnight for 6th graders to Grizzly Ranch/Sierra Nevada Journeys Camp in Portola. It will be November 14-15, and 15-16th (two groups coming one day apart). The students will be in cabins and the field trip will be integrated with our science curriculum. 7th graders will no longer be allowed to do the ropes course field trip due to insurance reasons, so they will stay at school to have a field day with SWEP. 8th graders are no longer allowed to go to Wild Island, also for insurance reasons. They are currently in a lottery to get an approved date to attend a Reno Aces game in May - more information TBD. There will once again be a beach day at the end of school at the West End Beach at Donner Lake. October 21st is picture retake day, if you were absent for the first one. 9/29 is Back to school night, parents only please. May 11th will be Open House. October 14th will be the first school dance, we hope to have four of them this year - no outside students. ASB is the recipient of the funds raised at school dances, not the PTO. The PTO presence at the dance is to sell spirit wear and support our ASB. Starting October 3rd on Tuesdays after school there will be a GATE coding club - it is called “Girls Who Code”, but is open to anyone who is interested. The Spanish program will also be continuing - the ACMS PTO supports continuing the Sign Up Genius for this program as well as student messaging. PTO Sponsorships Denise VanBeek and Erin Videgan will be handling sponsorships this year. They will be reaching out to last year’s sponsors who only signed up for one year, as well as new companies. We have two parent businesses that have independently reached out to us already that we will be following up on. Conference Week Mini days for conferences are scheduled the week of Oct. 24-28th, Katie Smith and Erin Videgan will be helping plan meals for this week. We traditionally provide breakfast and lunch options for the staff. Looking at simple, easy options, possibly a baked potato bar instead of Mexican? Spirit Wear Kristi Prochazka volunteered to take on Spirit wear management this year. Thinking that we will do online sales of sweatshirts and t-shirts and only do bracelets, hats, and stickers (& other small things) in person at events. This will minimize storage issues and make things easier for us. We are currently selling via Sign Up Genius, but need to find a better method, which Kristi will look into. We are looking into ways to get rid of the small and medium sized spirit wear that we have - possibly selling it at an Elementary School event for $5 or even donating. Back to School Night Back to school night is Thursday, September 29th at 5:30 PM. The evening is for parent’s only, so that they may follow their child’s schedule and meet all of their instructors. Excellence in Education Excellence in Education is a non-profit organization that supports our school district. Their mission to enhance the educational experience of our students is accomplished by giving grants and educator awards to the teachers in our school district. Each school year, they provide approximately $250,000 to the schools and programs of TTUSD. In the most recent grant cycle, Alder Creek Middle School received funding for three grants totaling $12,674. This covered the cost of additional instruments for our music program, math manipulatives and social studies resources. We are so grateful for their generosity! Dining for Schools cards have been brought back as well. They will be available for purchase soon. Cougar Days Our PTO volunteers sold $1,383 of Spirit Wear at Cougar Days this year! Cougar Days is traditionally our biggest event that we sell the most spiritwear at - we need to make sure we are fully stocked each summer and can provide tangible items to incoming students and parents during this evening. It would be the only time we would have sweatshirts and tees on hand. In 2023 it will either be Monday August 21st or Tuesday August 22nd. Laurie Kuntz, Katie Smith, and Yvonne Moore will attend and help out. New Business, Questions, Suggestions, Thank Yous Nicole Reitter is heading up the 8th grade graduates photography project. Currently has a quote from Whitby B, and is also checking into two others. In the future (too late for this Fall, unfortunately) we would love to have a Fall Family Photoshoot as a fundraiser. A mom’s night out was also discussed - possibly a Ladies Bingo Night! Will be discussed at future meetings. Adjourn Remaining members were able to take a tour of the brand new wellness center located on the second floor of the ACMS administration building, where we took a group photo for the PTO page in the ACMS yearbook. Next Meeting: 6:15 pm, October 13th, 2022/ Raley’s ONE
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