Principal’s Update
Upcoming field trips: 6th grade field trip to Science Center on Tahoe - June 1st and 3rd (2 groups); West End Beach Day 14th 7th grade - SWEP field trip to the rec center; West End Beach Day June 10th 8th grade TBD - June 21 First week of testing went well. More in the coming weeks. Counselors heading to Glenshire and Truckee El next week to give information to incoming 5th graders. 5th graders will visit ACMS the week after Wellness Center: Building the wellness center starting on the first day of summer. Big room, new furniture, hang out and feel groovy. All kids will turn in their chromebooks. 8th graders get new ones in high school. New Assistant Principal, Mr. Estabrook, kids love him. Hien gave her personal story and received a grateful and positive reaction from the 8th graders. They shared with her the messages they took away. Will use the Latinas Unidas money they earned selling desserts for kids who can’t afford a graduation dress. Parent survey - we need more responses, we will post it to our Facebook page. Treasurer’s Report $180 at band fundraiser $54 profit at the dance plus $90 in spirit wear sales $382 from Grocery Outlet last month $1875 Kermes dinner profit $500 Bob Buchanan Law $6000 Silent Auction profits $6175 in sponsorships for the year Hit budget spot on for the Staff Appreciation week ($1200) $16,000 in revenue YTD Hien will submit invoices for field trips, Million Word Readers sweatshirts and more. Silent Auction Need to write thank you cards to donors, Hien will get leadership to do it. Bidding Owl was a success. It was great to have the auction open for the next week. They will charge a 5% fee. Sponsorships Need thank you cards for sponsors. Will begin asking for next year soon Staff Appreciation Teachers loved it! Thanks to Nicole for sweets; thanks to Laurie for breakfast; thanks to Palisades for all the yummy desserts. Amazon list was a good idea Spirit Wear Sara will begin ordering again for next year, we need to supply for Cougar Days. We still have items and invoices from Twin Forks, he will let us know about this. Cougar Days Date is TBD. We will not be doing a school supply kit, however, PTO will fund school supplies to be in the office for kids who need items. Will need a supply list. Feedback/Recap We like having meetings at Raley’s in the evening. We have outgoing 8th grade parents, we need to recruit. A huge thank you to all the graduating PTO parents, your involvement has been invaluable! We will put together a list of duties needed throughout the year and assign chairpersons. This will give people a sense of ownership of tasks. Adjourn 7:30 pm. No June meeting, we will be in touch about Cougar Days and sponsorships.
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025