ACMS PTO Meeting Summary
February 7, 2018 - Next meeting TBA. Introductions Present: Hien Larson, Stephanie Bragg, Kari Chalstrom, Coral Cavanagh, Susie Overall, Stacy Russell, Yvonne Moore, Birgitta Depaoli, Heather Spear, Jennifer Standteiner eScrip Update • eScrip includes both the program that gives back from shopping at brick-and-mortar stores (locally, Savemart) and online shopping (from a wide variety of retailers including the Gap, Safeway, Whole Foods, itunes, Starbucks, Peets). • The online version is done through an app called Benefit-Mobile. Users purchase a “gift card” and can redeem it immediately at the check stand or online (NOTE – for Safeway the process requires a printout; see the app for details). • During 2017, the eScrip program earned ACMS PTO $1,158. In January 2018, we earned $!08.44. These were from only 40 participants. We agreed to try to expand participation in the program. • Coral will send an example “Invitation email” from Benefit mobile, and if the group agrees, we will invite all ACMS parents. • Parents can also get eScrip accounts and tie their existing Savemart rewards # to it, to increase our earnings from that source. • We could have an info table (maybe get kids to help staff it) at Open House night to hand out info about eScrip. Pennies for Patients • Megan Alexander is leading this. We gather pennies (and/or other change) and send it to an organization that provides patient support services or research. • Students take the coins to a Coinstar machine weekly for counting – we need volunteers to take the kids there. o Stacy has the March 23 o Yvonne has the March 30. o Stephanie has the April 6. • This volunteer work will also qualify us for the Disneyland tickets, which we can use for fundraising. Stephanie renewed our insurance. Treasurer’s report - Current Balance $4,090 • After we provide the $3,000 reimbursement, we will have $1,090. Principal’s Update • Hien briefed us on the Student Walkout, the State of the District meeting. • Middle School Parent orientation will be on the 29th. • Parents are reminded to download the TTUSD app. Info on snow days shows up here first. Very good source of news. • Safety and Security o The classroom doors are locked and checked every morning, according to a Door Lock Policy that has been in place for 3 years. o Change – only one of the entrance doors (the ADA one) is open. o On Donner Lake side only one door is unlocked. o Teachers have been trained regarding We-Tip, which is available for anonymous reporting. We- tip goes straight to police, the district office, and to Hien. o ALICE training covers a variety of emergency situations (from lockdowns to chemical spills!) o Parent info night on Security on March 28. Lakeside is also having one on the 29th. These will introduce ALICE to parents and include discussion time. Training for the kids will follow the parent training, so that parents can introduce it to their kids. o Counselors are available. § Parent comment: “Sit with me” app offers a way of coordinating support. o At the beginning of year all students and all staff took a survey. “Who is your trusted adult?” Helped figure out which group(s) of kids have a trusted adult, and which do not. Do the kids feel connected? Which opportunities (library, tech lab, etc.) work for the kids? The school is considering a repeat of the survey to see whether there is progress and try to figure out what worked. Helps understand and reinforce that all staff has an impact on the kids. o Safe School Ambassadors are a group of students (trained in safety and security issues) and are doing a great job! They are trained not to necessarily take on the issue themselves, but to report issues. • 8th grade graduation will probably be the 19th. Probably a Tuesday. 8th grade parents plan and 7th grade parents chaperone. • Hien requested that the PTO provide $3,000 for transportation for Shady Creek. Coral moved, Stephanie seconded, approved. Open House April 26 5:00–7:00 • Donations are starting to roll in: Snowboard, Tahoe native, corn hole game • Ask for more donations! • Possibly ask for “White Elephant” donations? • Birgitta will ask the radio station about donating an advertising packet. • Stephanie will assign the basket themes to teachers, and will inform them by email. o Parents can also just send money. • Kari will check with the office about whether we can display big, “marquee” items in the office • Coral will prepare a letter, Susie will post it on the webpage, and we will link to it via Cougar News. • Susie will ask about the app. School supply kits. • This was a minor moneymaker last year. We can repeat this. • We obtain the lists from the teachers and then send them to Staples (who makes the kits). • We sell them at Open House Night. Voting Summary Moved, seconded and approved to reimburse the school for $3,000 for transportation for Shady Creek. (CC moved, SB second, group approved.) Moved, seconded, and approved the summary from our last meeting. Next Meeting TBA
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025