Welcome: Attendees: Yvonne Moore, Stefanie Deuber, Yvonne Moore, Raughley Koehler, Celli Baker, Hien Larson
Principal’s Update Making plans for virtual promotion for 8th graders. Working with the District to see what is possible. Virtual CTE and STEAM Fair on May 29, noon - 3:00 p.m. No 3rd Trimester Honor Roll due to access and equity. Mrs. Larson and Mrs. Dewald have done 50 home visits where they drop off books, school supplies and offer support, and gift card donations from staff and another donor. Librarian is distributing books. Mental health support is available. Yearbooks are being sold online until May 29th. They won’t be ready until the end of June, will have to determine distribution. President’s Update: We have enlisted the help of an ACMS parent to help with our tax issue. Apparently, someone else used our EIN number in 2017, causing tax liability for our organization. Will update. Treasurer’s Report: Our balance is $8,818. There are many end of year events that were cancelled that we usually pay for. We have received money from Amazon Smile and Box Tops. We returned money received from Summit Swirl for the fundraiser as we want to support the small businesses who support us. Open House Silent Auction: Cancelled, will not affect next year’s budget because grade level field trips were cancelled. Staff Appreciation Week: The PTO offered free Zoom work out classes courtesy of The Bar Effect, gift cards to local businesses and wrote thank you cards. We treated the kitchen staff to lunch. Board Members for Next Year: Susie Overall and Celli Baker will take on co-leadership roles. Raughley Koehler will continue as Treasurer. We will ask others who have expressed interest in being involved about what they’re willing to do next year and open it up to other parents. If we could get commitments for volunteers to chair specific events, such as School Supply Kits, Open House, Tamale Fundraiser, Staff Appreciation, Movie Nights, Open House Silent Auction, etc. it makes it easier for all. School Supply Kits: We will continue with this regardless of uncertainty, we can store for the following year if needed. Stefanie will start us off by emailing Office Boss, and emailing Hien to ask teachers to see what supplies are needed. Susie and Celli will then take over. Raughley suggested we ask Office Boss if they’re willing to offer extra a la carte supplies at cost or a reduced rate to ACMS students. We could offer the kits at cost to students, give the option for donations to help others. Disneyland Tickets: The tickets we currently have expire in October, 2021. They are in the safe at school. Depending on when Disneyland opens, we will need to come up with a fundraiser to determine how to distribute these. THS Boosters antique show: This has been cancelled for summer, 2020. We need to remember this event for summer 2021. Adjourn 11:45 am "If the world is going to get better, it's going to be up to you" Barack Obama to Graduating Seniors
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025