PTO Meeting Minutes - Alder Creek Middle School
Date: September 10th, 2020 via Zoom Welcome: Call to order at 11 am. Attendees: Nate Melen, Susie Overall, Hien Larson, Raughley Koehler, Lydia Carillo, Celli Baker, Carrie Haines, Jenny Berger, Kate Byus, Jenny Suh, Kim Ligman, Hanna Malm Principal’s Update - Hien Larson: Welcome to PTO! In middle school, kids want and need our help. We receive many requests to enhance curriculum, fund field trips. The school - parent relationship is valued. A survey was sent out regarding Distance Learning vs. Hybrid Model. Hien asked us for suggestions on Distance Learning. About 99% of kids are showing up every day. There are concerns about interruptions. Some ideas to lessen them include: keep cameras on, no meals during class time, possible distraction of pods (other kids nearby are in different classes), make the teacher's screen big so don’t get as distracted by other kids (unfortunately, there’s no option to only show the teacher and not classmates), wear appropriate clothing. Teachers should be clear about the protocol within the group. Email the teacher if problems with the classroom, email Hien with ideas and feedback on structure. If the hybrid model is deferred, those kids would work with a teacher, maybe not the same one, and class would mirror what is happening in class. Many factors are still being figured out. What does distance learning look like? Will they have access to the teacher? How does the teacher check in with the distance kids? How do we balance learning and support? Feedback from other schools doing the hybrid model is that parents need to be very present on days kids are home. It is unknown if classes will go on field trips this year, all are currently on hold. PTO typically covers much of the cost for these trips. Some other ways for the PTO to financially support distance learning include blue light glasses or Chromebook screen covers if we stay in distance learning. Nate will research the screen covers. Families could opt out if they want to fund their own screen covers, we could offer at a discount. Treasurer’s Report & Budget Review: Raughley Koehler Current balance is $6,196. Last year we raised $2171, mostly from the Tamale fundraiser. We returned a donation from a Summit Swirl fundraiser as an act of support for our community. We received $643 direct support, $44 from Amazon Smile. We are working on a tax issue. In 2017, someone filed payroll taxes using our EIN and we have fallout from that. Thanks to Susie for dealing. We need to add Susie Overall as a cosigner on the PTO US Bank checking account, we will do this next week. Fundraising Ideas: In the past, the Silent Auction and Kermes Dinner held during Open House was our biggest fundraiser bringing in around $6,000. This didn’t take place last spring so we don’t have that income, however we didn’t have the expenses of field trips. Unsure if we can hold this event this year. Carrie Haines and Nate Melen offered to co-chair the Fundraising Committee. They have full support of PTO volunteers. Other fundraising ideas - online silent auction, virtual Zoom live auction, tamale fundraiser. We also have a direct donation link on our website. If we come up with a specific fundraising need, it may be easier to solicit direct donations for those items from parents and the community. It’s hard when we don’t know what we need. On September 28th we’re having a fundraiser at Panda Express. Information is on our Facebook page and in the Cougar News. Grocery Outlet is offering a new program. Before checking out, mention that you support ACMS and they will give the school 5% of the sale. In the past we sold school supplies kits at Cougar Days. This year the PTO purchased Cougar string bags distributed at materials pick up. ACMS funded school supplies. We have 20 Disneyland one-day passes through their donation program. We typically put these in the Silent Auction as we as holding a fundraising raffle. These expire 9/2021. Since Disneyland is closed, we’re assuming that this date will be extended, Susie will research. Spirit Wear: We would like to set this up. Will post to Facebook to see if we can get feedback from parents and students on what they want. Some ideas include buffs, beanies, hoodies, t-shirts. Susie will check with Mrs. Blaylock who heads Associated Student Body (ASB) to ensure we’re not impeding on their spirit wear sales. Nate - has worked with Tahoe Basics while at Donner Trail, will send more information. Kim Ligman - had an online store for Truckee Elementary. Kate Byus has a company called Twin Forks that does spirit wear. We will look at options and pricing, and make some decisions. New Business, Questions, Suggestions, Thank Yous, Board Members: Co-Leaders - Susie and Celli. Treasurer - Raughley. Secretary - Jenny Suh. Digital Manager (Facebook, newsletters, website, etc.) - Susie. Co-Fundraising Chairs - Nate Melen and Carrie Haines. We need chairs to organize things such as Open House, Staff Appreciation, Spirit Wear, etc. Excellence in Education is doing a Register Roundup at Mountain Hardware. Let’s help get the word out! Next Meeting: October 10th, 2020 at 10 am via Zoom Adjourn: 11:15 am. Thanks to everyone for showing up!
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025