PTO Meeting
Date: January 23rd, 2020 Time/Location: 7:40am – 9:00am, ACMS Staff Lounge Next Meeting: February 13th, 2020 Meeting Chairs: Stefanie Deuber, Yvonne Moore Welcome / Sign in / Intro: Call to Order: 7:45 am. Attendees: Susie Overall, Jenny Suh, Katie Flynn, Raughley Koehler, Celli Baker, Stefanie Deuber, Yvonne Moore Principal’s Update: Mrs. Larson - Minimum days today and tomorrow. -Teachers will be meeting with North Tahoe High. Topics include calibrating grading and reporting system, creating equity in learning, special ed and nurtured heart learning. -Resources on vape education was included in Cougar News. Athletes Committed are going to come to speak to all students. -Lost and found is overflowing and will be donated. Please encourage parents to come in and look through. We can ask Joslyn Brown to set up all items so people can see everything. Set everything out for Open House. -Grizzly Ranch will be in May, class will be split in two sessions. -Harvest of the Month has been reimplemented, cafeteria is helping prep. -Dance Friday, February 7th. -Wellness Fair, March 11th. -Middle School will go to Sierra College for a day, March 27th. Students can start taking classes at Sierra College which will count towards college. On March 10th, High School counselors will be working with kids on classes. High School Parent Night will be after that. -ELAC Meeting March 19th, 6 pm at Truckee High. President’s Update: Stefanie Fundraising Meeting February 26th, focus will be on Open House. Treasurer’s Report: Raughley Currently we have $7,463 in bank. We were able to sell donated Northstar lift tickets. Things are looking good. Received $118 from Box Tops. Link for needs to be encouraged, we receive .05% of purchases. Susie submitted and we were accepted as a Confirmed Charity by PayPal which reduces our fees to 2.2% + $.30 per transaction (encourage people to donate via check or cash). Constant Contact is $45, Susie will see if we can get a reduced price for this. Silent Auction Committee Open House is April 30th. Committee meeting is February 26th, 5:00 pm at Lift Workspace. Movie Night/Disneyland Raffle Movie Night is set for March 13th. Movie idea - Back to the Future. Kids can wear onesies or 80’s costume. We can have a prize for best costume (i.e. $25 to Summit Swirl). Buy snacks from Costco. Pizzas from Save Mart. Encourage students to bring water bottles. Sell LaCroix waters. Will send out Sign Up Genius to ask for volunteers. Advertise w/ eblast, newsletter, Cougar News. Sell Disneyland tickets in advance and at the event. We will also have games. Spanish Enrichment Class begins January 27th. Need to follow up on payments. Tamale Touchdown Fundraiser Donations will be accepted until 3:30 pm on January 30th. Winners will be drawn and notified January 30th at 5 pm. They may pick up tamales at school on January 31st starting at noon. So far we have around $400 in donations. We will ask ASB to include in daily bulletin. Panda Express Fundraiser Will be held March 4th (minimum day) during their business hours. Eblast will be sent out, advertise in Cougar News. Have ASB include in daily bulletin. Fundraiser Ideas Valentine’s Day - “Love Your School”, sign up for Amazon Smile, donate to PTO eblast, Peachjar. Summit Swirl fundraiser February 7th after the dance. Spirit Wear Raughley looking in to ideas for ACMS hoodies, t-shirts, hats through W & T. They are waiving fees. Set up online ordering. Ask Hien and Jennifer S. if they have looked into options as well. Adjourn: 9:15am Next Meeting: Thursday, February 13th at 7:45 am in the Staff Lounge at ACMS
ACMS PTO - Fundraising Meeting
January 15th, 2020 Attendees: Susie Overall, Yvonne Moore, Stefanie Deuber, Celli Baker Upcoming Fundraising Events: Tamale Fundraiser - Donations due January 30th at 3:30, Susie will draw winners January 30th evening using spreadsheet and random number generator. Donations are low, need to advertise more. Since we have to pay $18 for each tamale dinner, we’re hoping to break even at this point. Will be in Cougar News all month, sending out reminder email to all parents on January 29th. Movie Night/Disneyland Raffle - March 20th. Raleigh is planning. Need to pick a movie. No charge for entrance. Selling snacks and raffle tickets for five on-day Disneyland Parkhopper tickets for $5. Start selling raffle tickets online with PayPal link a month before - February 20th. Start advertising in February. Some snack ideas: popcorn (need little popcorn bags), cookies, pizza, drinks, chips and candy (if allowed by the school?) Open House Silent Auction - April 30th. Need to start planning, set meeting for committee on February 26th at the Lift Workspace. Yvonne to work on letter to homerooms with a list of themes. Parents can choose from any of the themes rather than being restricted. Themes will be more high quality and applicable to middle school age students. We are going to encourage parents to donate services and items to which they may access, for example gift certificates for activities, restaurants, events, services (carpet cleaning, beauty, spa, etc.), ski rentals or tunes, lodging, etc. Stefanie will distribute spreadsheet of items we had in the auction last year and assign committee members to follow up with businesses. We can also expand our region of solicitation requests to include Reno, Tahoe City, Graeagle, Squaw, Northstary, etc. Yvonne will work on donation solicitation letter. Susie will order additional bid sheets, thank you cards and will procure plastic display stands. For item display and bid sheets, we brainstormed ideas for better presentation - peg boards, using the stage, more tables. For baskets, we will explore options at the dollar store rather than buying baskets or using bags. Other Fundraising Endeavors: Spirit Wear - Sell items with “Alder Creek” logo. Jennifer S. and possibly Jenny S. to explore? Embroidered Jeans - Suggest having a few of these sessions as silent auction items. Scarves - For sale in the office and will sell at Open House. Restaurant Fundraisers - Explore options. Panda Express (Susie requested fundraiser for February 5th, minimum day). Rubicon Pizza. Summit Swirl. El Toro. Need a PTO member to take on this task. Credit Card and Payment Options - We pay a lot in fees to PayPal (2.2% + transaction fee for our nonprofit). Explore other options before Open House. Ensure we’re set up as nonprofit in Square. Cheddar Up. Venmo. Pass fee to buyer as convenience fee for using a credit card. Upcoming Meetings: When approached with a fundraising idea, or a presentation by someone requesting the PTO’s support, the person presenting should work with a board member before the meeting to limit time spent on the presentation during the meeting. We need to keep within the time limit of our agenda. Upcoming PTO Meetings - January 23rd February 13th March 12th April 16th Next Silent Auction Committee Meeting - February 26th |
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025