Attendees: Susie Overall, Hien Larson, Raughley Koehler, Hanna Malm, Jenny Berger, Jenny Suh, Celli Baker
Principal’s Update Wrapping up trimester. End of the year celebration? Goal at the end - all students to be celebrated. Honor roll - all student’s with all 3’s and up. No distinguished scholars. Want to celebrate other achievers, still not Sur how that will look exactly. Hope to know by this Sunday. Need to collaborate with north tahoe middle. Hoping to be back 5 days a week in the 3rd trimester. Soon as it is safe. Lots of work to do yet. Depending on classroom, students will be 4 ft apart. Schedule will go out. Will be a slightly extended day. 20 more minutes to support cohort C for office hours. Working on 8th grade graduation. Don’t know if we can do it live yet. Will update soon. Thank you for all the goodies from PTO. Yummy snacks are always appreciated. Sports: expectations are crazy right now. ACMS only one with turf field, so it is getting used heavily for high school sports. High schoolers have to be tested once a week. Still in limbo how sports will look. Might not be able to play outside of California schools. (No Nevada teams as of right now). She will update as she learns more. Will there be more buses running when we are back to 5 days/week? No, there will not be more because of CA safety guidelines. There will be no lunch period, just an extended outside break. Will there be 8/9th tennis? I don’t know. Will 9th grade teachers have the same expectation for rising 9th graders due to covid situation? We asked them what they wanted? Each grade level gave a wish list to send to the grade below including “must-have skills” for success next year. The high school has link crew and other systems in place to transition kids to high school. How about kids rising to 6th grade? Will there be an open house before next year? We don’t know yet. Hopefully. Will there be Cougar Days? We don’t know yet. Please remind your kiddos to stay 6 feet apart. Have this conversation with your children. Constantly remind them. Excellence in Education Update 90% of TTUSD staff has been vaccinated! They are trying to get to 5 days/week in class. 4 foot rule around every kid in the classroom. Need to redesign 289 classrooms, the district has ordered 900 plexiglass barriers. Placer Country was in the red tier for 6 days, now we slipped back to purple tier. County needs to be in red for 14 days to lift restrictions. Every week teachers and staff have to be tested once/week as long as we are in the purple tier. Thursday 3/11 the District will send out a long newsletter with updates. Link to the form about if they want kids to go back 5 days/week. Thursday survey will override what you said before on any other survey. Kudos Campaign instead of typical Star awards for teachers and staff. Everyone is working so hard this year, it’s too hard to honor just a few. Will be giving kudos to all teachers and staff. Either handwritten or online. Will be asking PTO’s to advertise this and help out. April 11th - Homewood is offering free skiing and breakfast burritos to all TTUSD employees. Treasurer’s Report Balance $6491. See attached Treasurer’s Report About $100 from Panda Express fundraiser. $91 from Amazon. Upcoming expenses? Just $100 for snacks… Staff Appreciation coming up in early May. We budgeted $500. Staff Appreciation Celli suggests we don’t do food items this year. We have been offering snacks quite a lot. Maybe something more creative. Perhaps we should ask the teachers what they would like this year. Should we do what we did last year, and buy them a $25 gift card to establishment of their choosing? Send out the google form like last year, see what they want. Include a thank you card. Mail them or drop them at school. Perhaps throw them a back-to-school party in the fall. Celli volunteered to cut succulents for each teacher. Awesome. Should we do more snacks? (Cliff bars, nuts, gluten free crackers, Pringles, etc.) Ask parents in the newsletter to contribute money or ideas for teacher appreciation week. Mother's Day Flowers We need to order the flowers a couple weeks before, probably from Costco. Fillers will be free. We need to make an order form. Also mention it in the newsletter. Set it up on sign-up genius. How much to charge? Distribute after school on Friday. Celli and Kate working on this. Ideas for Other Events No ice-skating day. District would not allow. Can’t enforce social distancing, etc. Maybe we just can’t do events this year. Next Meeting April 21 at 8:30 am.
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025