ACMS PTO Meeting Summary
February 7, 2018 - Next meeting March 14th in the Staff room at 7:45 a.m. Introductions Present: Hien Larson, Stephanie Bragg, Kari Chalstrom, Jenny Suh, Coral Cavanagh, Susie Overall, Hien Larson, Lori Clemente, Yvonne Moore Open House April 26 5:00–7:00 • Showcasing student work • Band plays • ELAC does cooking • Raffle/Dinner tickets sold • PTO coordinates the creation of baskets for raffle – each home room prepares a themed basket for raffle. • In the past, we sold tickets usually about 6 for $5. Family of four for $25; includes dinner. • Parents donate items, and we have some reliable local merchant donors. • There are computer-based systems for silent auctions. Likely too expensive for our purposes. • PTO has some baskets for use. • Coral will put a request for Silent Auction donations and volunteers in Cougar News and will create a flyer to send home. Provide suggestions (services, tickets, vacation rentals, food and beverage). Include Kari’s phone number and tax I.D. number. o Coordinator o Prepare baskets o Yvonne will contact Disneyland o Request sports tickets • Jenny and Susie will manage the Silent Auction on Open House night. • Parent Orientation for 5th grade parents occurs 2 weeks before and we invite them. Movie Night – Debrief and Planning • This is not actually a fundraiser; we just seek to cover costs. • Have another one; we still have the license. (Show the end of Avatar, as well.) • We had about 75 kids at the last one. Concessions went well. • Have a suggestion box for the movie? Stephanie will put a suggestion box next to the Box Tops box. • Superhero movie? • Do we need to end at 8:00? o Most middle-school events begin near to the end of the school day. o Custodian costs are higher if we run later. o Starting at 5:00 made it hard for many of the parents to get here. • Could we have an activity area at the same time as the movie? o This presents a potential safety issue. o What about social time from 5–6 and then movie after? o Ask kids to bring water bottles. We also still have some donated water bottles. o In an earlier year, we did a movie in the Cafetorium, with chairs set up. The movie was “Pitch Perfect.” Because it was PG-13, a note was sent to parents. • Must have a school rep present, preferably an administrator. • Shoot for one or two more this school year; the license is good through next January. Possible dates: o March 14, Wednesday – a minimum day. Hien will talk with Lynn about scheduling and supervision. § Everyone would need to stay in the Cafetorium § Sports that day include wrestling, track, volleyball, and soccer that may occur right after school. § Transportation may be a challenge for some kids. § Weeknights the school is generally booked o April 20, Friday • Could we do a “reconnect” event for the kids in August? o Logistically difficult because we don’t have the lists and we don’t know the kids. o Aim High and Statewide Computer Education Conference are being held at ACMS this summer. Conference is in July. <— get this into a Cougar News soon. Corine Harvey and Rachel Koles’ presentation from previous meeting • “Fight the New Drug,” an assembly about dealing with pornography. • Covers social aspects and brain development with strong messaging. • Would include the option to opt out. • Will be presented in Fresno in April. At that time, TTUSD will be checking it out further to decide whether the District wants to invest in it. One or more of our group may attend. Honor Roll Breakfasts • Stephanie and Kathy do the breakfasts this year. • We need someone to take this over next year: buy food, set up, keep buffet stocked. Parent social night during the next dance? • Kari will run this by Heather and Lisa. • Hold at a brewery or restaurant or winery. • Mini Truckee Thursday with food trucks; stands? Vaping on Campus Some vaping has gone on here on campus. Vaping is inhaling and exhaling the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device. TTUSD provides info on vaping here: 46EE88-D30C-497E-9316-3F8874B3E108&RenderLoc=0&FlexDataID=3905&PageID=1 Voting Moved, seconded and approved renewing PTO’s insurance. Stephanie will renew this. Moved, seconded, and approved the summary from our last meeting. Next full meeting is Wednesday, March 21 at 7:45 a.m. in the Staff Room
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MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
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