Alder Creek Middle School PTO Meeting Minutes
October 3, 2023 ACMS Staff Lounge, 7:40am Present: Yvonne Moore, Katie Smith, Julia Worster, Erin Videgain, Ilissa Curry, Laurie Kuntz, Dyan Johnson, Brandy Christensen, Caren Schatz, Kristin Cooksey, Ashlie Taylor Absent: Saira West, Kate Lord Quorum Present?: Yes Welcome/Intro, Laurie K: -Meeting called to order at 7:45am -Adopt September 2023 meeting minutes; MOTION to approve last months meeting minutes by Erin V.; Katie S. seconded, passed without dissent. Treasurer’s Report, Laurie K. (on behalf of Kate Lord) -$10,800 received so far from sponsorships thanks to Saira W. and Erin V. -A few expenses have been paid out that were already in the approved budget, so no vote needed to pay out. Grant Request, Laurie K. (on behalf of Kate Lord): -Grant request from teacher Sarah Adams; $500 for classroom math posters that are in English and Spanish. MOTION to approve grant request by Katie S.; Erin V. seconded, passed without dissent. Sponsorships, Laurie K. (on behalf of Saira West): -In the process of getting final sponsors’ logos for the banner. -Still waiting on some sponsorship money to come in. -Brandy C’s husband’s company might like to sponsor. Review updated ACMS PTO Bylaws, Laurie K.: -Reviewed changes/updates to 2008 bylaws. MOTION to approve the updated bylaws by Laurie K.; Dyan J. seconded, passed without dissent. Principal’s Update, Laurie K. (on behalf of Hien Larson): -School news: ACMS Dance-a-thon October 20. Biggest fundraiser of the year for the Associated Student Body (ASB). Meetings & Events Calendar, Laurie K.: -Deleted school dances as a PTO participation event. PTO will no longer host a table at the dances to sell glow sticks, etc. Conference Week Meals for staff, October 23-27, Erin V. and Katie S.: -A few days have changed for what is being served, e.g. no more breakfast since teachers don’t eat until lunch. -Theme days include: Mediterranean Monday, Taco Tuesday, Wednesday soups and salads, Thursday Italian, Friday potato bar. -Sign up genius is more specific with quantities for food donations, and accommodates dietary needs (dairy free, vegan). -Suggestion to purchase reusable silverware, but might not work since teachers bring plated food back to their classrooms and might throw away utensils. ACTION: Katie S. will research feasibility for reusable utensils. New Business, Laurie K.: -Would like to move to Google for Nonprofits but needs help getting started. ACTION: Katie S. will ask her husband to help. -8th grade promotion committee, would like more people to participate and get a planning committee started. The promotion party happens at ACMS after the graduation ceremony. Financial support for the party comes from parent donations and PTO. Ilissa C., Dyan J., and Caren S. offered to help. -PTO supplies have been moved to upstairs storage. Other Business, Laurie K.: -Laurie needs a volunteer to help with social media. Meeting adjourned at 8:20am by Laurie K. Next meeting, November 7, 2023, 6pm at Truckee Raley’s ONE upstairs Loft Minutes submitted by Secretary, Yvonne Moore
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