Alder Creek Middle School PTO Meeting Date: November 12th, 2020 via Zoom Welcome: Call to order at 10 am. Attendees: Susie Overall, Julie Mill Peters, Raughley Koehler, Celli Baker, Jenny Berger, Kate Byus, Hanna Malm, Nate Melen Principal’s Update - Hien Larson: Due to commitments at school, Mrs. Larson wasn’t able to attend the meeting. However, she provided the following information to the PTO. Procedures to change to a new cohort will be shared in the Cougar News this Sunday. Changes may only occur at the end of each trimester. The last day of the first trimester is November 20th, and the last day of the second trimester is March 12th. The TTUSD COVID dashboard is viewable here. When we see that there's a positive case in our school, the nurse is in contact with all individuals to provide guidance and to approve them for return to school/work when it is appropriate to do so. If a student/staff is identified as a positive case follow-up phone call is made to determine contacts of the student/staff, if they were infectious on campus. Our nurse spends time speaking with positive cases regarding every class/contact they had on campus. If a student isn’t feeling well, call the front office and let the teachers know. If you have any COVID-19 symptoms/sick please do not come to campus. You need to notify your school site and your school nurse will be in contact with you to determine when you can return to school. A student with COVID-19 symptoms will need to stay home for ten days. If you choose to have your student tested they may return to campus with a negative test once they have been symptom-free for three days, as long as you are not the contact of a positive case. We have a sports league meeting on November 18th and will be letting families know about winter and spring sports. Treasurer’s Report: We received several donations from fundraising efforts this past month: Panda Express: $49.87, Box Tops for Education: $40.90, Grocery Outlet: $105.26. Total deposits: $196.03. We spent $232 on welcome back banners and coffee for the return to school. We have around $6,000 in our account right now. Spirit Wear: Kate Byus’ company, Twin Forks Trading, has created items to offer for ACMS spirit wear. The kick-off order will be discounted, we will send out order information in the next couple days. Pre-orders will be due November 23rd and will arrive in time for distribution before winter break. Susie created a Sign Up Genius which will allow people to submit their pre-order online. We will send out an eblast, links and info in the Cougar News and a magic text to remind people to order on 11/20. The PTO will receive 10-15% from spirit wear sales. Carrie and Hanna offered to help with distribution. Gifts for Staff: Since the Staff Room isn’t really available for distribution, we are putting together packages with masks, coffee packs, tea bags and mints. Masks arrive next week. There are 71 staff members. Kate, Celli, Susie and Jenny B. will put these together next week. Decorating the School: Thank you to Carrie for ordering and delivering the “Welcome Back to School” banners! Screen Protectors and/or Blue Light Glasses: Susie checked with the TTUSD Tech Department to see if they have contacts for these. They don’t have a good deal for them, but did recommend these settings for Chromebooks to help eyes in dim light. Fundraising Ideas Tamale Fundraiser: This was a successful raffle in the past. We will look at doing this closer to the Super Bowl on February 7th. Online Auction: We typically have a silent auction during Open House in the spring. We can look at doing this online in the spring. Glenshire Elementary is using biddingowl.com, we will likely use this so there’s continuity between schools. Mandarin/Fruit Sales: Growers over the pass offer fruit for sale by the pallet. We can pick up, package and sell for fundraising. Celli and Hanna will look into this idea. Next Meeting: December 9th, 2020 at 8:30 am via Zoom. We decided to move meetings to an earlier time to accommodate work and school schedules. Adjourn: 11:15 am. Thanks to everyone for showing up! We look forward to meeting in person one of these days!
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MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025