Alder Creek Middle School PTO Meeting Minutes
December 5, 2023 Raley’s One Loft, Truckee 6:00pm Present: Laurie Kuntz, Dyan Johnson, Ilissa Curry, Jill Cox, Brandy Christensen, Katie Smith, Kristin Baird, Nicole Mason, Saira West, Kate Lord, Hien Larson, Yvonne Moore, Jenny Berger Quorum Present?: Yes Welcome/Intro, Laurie K.: -Meeting called to order at 6:14p -Adopt November 2023 meeting minutes ; MOTION to approve last month’s meeting minutes made by Katie S.; Kristin B. seconded, passed without dissent. Treasurer’s Report, Kate L.: -Income: Received check from Rotary for Robotix, sponsorship check from Treat Structural Engineering, total sponsorship income at $11,300. -Expenses: Constant contact, reimbursed Saira W. for sponsorship banner, 6th grade transportation to grizzly ranch $2200. Principal’s report, Hien L. -Jumprope (gradebook system) progress reports went out, hard copy available from office on request. -Winter band concert next Tuesday evening. -School “Olympics” are the week of 12/18 on Wednesday and Friday. Each grade level has a theme (e.g. 6th ‘colleges’) with each home room choosing specific idea within theme. Photos of Olympics will be available on ACMS Facebook page. -Peer Helpers and Safe School Ambassadors are collecting donations from homerooms for gift baskets for families in need. Homerooms decide if they will participate and choose a theme. Coat, toy and food drive in the lobby currently happening. -Drop off and pick up at school is better. Parents please take your time and leave earlier with the winter weather. Important to be on time in the morning so class starts on time. -ASB leadership proposal presentation; teachers’ gift will be gift cards. -Winter sports are starting, Volleyball and Nordic. Sports physical must be completed through an MD. Basketball and Nordic purchased new uniforms. -ELAC had a nice turnout for their meeting. Hien would like to see an overlap between ELAC and PTO meetings. -Next school dance will be in February. Grant Requests, Kate L.: -Teacher Susie Bates, requesting $116.91 for 6th grade ACES class to fund Rubix cube mural frame. Some of her students are going to a Rubix cube championship. MOTION to approve grant made by Katie S.; Ilissa C. seconded, passed without dissent. -Ms. Lally (reading intervention teacher) requesting $431 for reading incentive prizes for reluctant readers. Benefits about 137 students in all grades. PTO will fund this out of reading rewards budgeted line item. MOTION to approve using PTO budgeted line item to fund request made by Nicole M.; Saira W. seconded, passed without dissent. Upcoming events, Hien L. and Laurie K.: -Open house will be May 2. -8th grade promotion June 13 with no snow days, or June 20 with snow days. New Business, Laurie K.: -Creating a slide presentation for teachers on grant process procedures. -Laurie will contact Elvia to coordinate getting tamales for “Touchdown Tamales” fundraiser in January. -Laurie met with James Collins from Truckee Elementary PTO to get help with Google for non-profits. -Planning for 8th grade promotion is after ski skate week. -DC trip for 8th graders, Hien is working on finding someone to lead. Meeting adjourned at 6:41pm by Laurie K. Next meeting, January 9, 2024, 7:45 am at ACMS Staff Lounge Minutes submitted by Secretary, Yvonne Moore
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