Attendees: Susie Overall, Nicole Reitter, Denise VanBeek, Leslie Suen, Hien Larson, Jenny Suh, Dyan Johnson, Saira West, Yvonne Moore, Natalie Grindy
Principal’s Report Progress Report: Should be available in Report Card History. Remember grades are per standards. Working on a mid-year system to look at "Pause, Reflect, and Plan" - give kids an opportunity to see the big picture, set goals for each subject. Don’t panic if your kid has a 2, we are aiming for 3’s by the end of the school year. Ask your kids "What do you need to get to proficiency?" We aren’t expecting kids to get a 3 right now, learning is continuous throughout the year. Winter Reading Challenge: Getting kids to read, celebration at the end. We send home books to kids with less resources. Every year, almost 100 kids reach the Million Word Club and design a sweatshirt. Will PTO help with the sweatshirt? Food Drive (Toys and Jackets): Our toy bin is almost full, nice work! There is a bin in the office for coat donations. We need more jackets - please bring some in. If you would like to donate food, they only accept gift cards. Field Trips: Trying to have one for each grade. These are ideas only, we are not putting deposits down when there is a possibility we would have to cancel.
Dance: Coming end of January. DJ is set. Waiting for it to get a little closer before we green-light it. Olympics: School-wide team building. Will be January 21st, a minimum day. Kids love it. Leadership votes on the themes. Super fun and creative. Feels like we have momentum as a school. Things are humming along. Advisory next Tuesday: What to do over break, resources for when a student needs to talk to a trusted adult. Used gift cards to buy thanksgiving dinners for families in need. Thank you to Susie’s church. Will do the same for Thanksgiving. Gift cards from Safeway, Kohl’s, etc. Treasurer’s Report $7424 in bank. $92 from Amazon Smile. Grocery Outlet: accrued over the past three months: $450 (correction from amount reported at the meeting). Expenses include spirit wear purchase, teachers’ snacks, etc. Tamale Fundraiser It costs $200 in supplies to do the fundraiser. An awesome parent volunteers their time to make the tamales. She can only make and deliver tamales for Friday, December 17th, hopefully people will still be around to pick them up. We hope to raise around $1,000. We will do this again before the Super Bowl. Board Position Open Thank you to Leslie for all the work she has put in to setting us up this year! We are looking for someone for this role to finish up this school year. Spirit Wear We collected $500 in sales at the coffee cart last month. We're still waiting for the final bill for items we purchased. We have received a quote for beanies and flat billed hats. Should we order now or later? Minimum order is 25, suggestion to get 25 of each and see how it goes. New shipments can arrive within a month. Pura Vida bracelets have been ordered, $163 for 50. Silver, black, and red. Hopefully they will be ready for sale at the dance, $5 each. Suggestion for a simple, black hoodie with a smaller logo or a 'Truckee' logo. Hien said Truckee High has a popular beanie, perhaps look into that? More gender neutral. Saira will speak with Wes and Tanya. Snacks for Staff Lounge: Thank you to Jenny B for providing snacks this year. For a time, Hien will pick up the staff lounge snacks. Thank you Hien. $100/month budget. Sponsorships We would like to ask local businesses for a one time donation and we will put their banner up in the gym or at the outside fields. Maybe wait until Summer to ask, because best incentive is a banner in the gym. Banners could also be hung on the outside fences. Possible budget to transport 200 kids per grade: in past years it has been $2000 per grade level; could be up to $4000 per grade level per year. Most sports transportation goes through ASB (Associated Student Body), but they haven’t been making money because there are no dances. Encourage parents to pay the fee to participate in sports. It has been free in the past, but it should cost $75 per family. Would be helpful to pay for equipment and transportation. We encourage families to contribute to sports participation due to increased budget and transportation expenses. We will make an effort to pursue more sponsorships from local businesses. Meeting Adjourned: 7:29 pm Next Meeting: Thursday, January 13th at 6:15 at Raley's
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MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025