ACMS PTO Meeting
April 13th, 2023, 6:15 pm Raley's ONE Loft Welcome/Intro: Call to order at 6:28pm. Attendees: Susie Overall, Yvonne Moore (taking minutes), Hien Larson, Nicole Reitter, Kristi Prochazka, Kate Lord, Daniel Saville, Ratana Tan, Jason Barton, Laurie Kuntz, Kristin Baird. Adopt meeting minutes from 3/14/23: Hien L motioned to approve, Kristin B seconded, all in favor. Treasurer's Update: Kate L: Donation from the Todd family for $2000 to the ACMS band. Grocery Outlet donation from customer shopping percentage. Principal's Update: Hien Larson. 8th grade field trip going to Sierra College to experience what college classes are like. 8th grade will also go to a Reno Aces game on May 4, PTO will help fund transportation. 8th grade going to West End beach June 12. 7th grade will have a field day wherever they can find space, West End beach day is June 13. 6th grade beach day is June 16. 6th grade will also get to go to the air show at Truckee airport. June 7 and 8 are elementary school visits to ACMS. Open house May 11 with an ELAC Kermes. State testing May 15 – 26. Thanks to PTO for gift card donations for the Cougar Pride card winners. Working on a school dance for May 5. 8th grade parent meeting on 4/27 to plan end of the year celebration on June 22. Spirit Wear: Kristi P. The first round of the online ACMS logo shop opened in March with an announcement in Cougar News and at the parent night for incoming 6th graders. There was only one order. Kristi suggested we do an up-front order for Cougar Days in August and then order one of each item to have on hand so people can see what is available to purchase online. We can then do the online shop two or three times during the school year. Make sure to have a QR code available. Staff Appreciation, May 1st - 5th: Laurie K. & Susie O. Flannel shirts with ACMS logo have been ordered for staff. Laurie has created fun-filled woodsy themed agenda for the week. Volunteers are needed as well as financial and Amazon List contributions. Monday is Lumberjack & Jill pancake breakfast (with selfie station), Tuesday is flannel shirt gift and thank you note, Wednesday is Smokey’s Kitchen BBQ lunch with dessert from Palisades Tahoe/Cortney Hadley (with camp ACMS Mad Libs), Thursday trail mix bar and cold drinks, Friday is Teacher survival kit goodie bag (OR a to-go weekend s’mores kit). The Sign Up is available now for food and time donations. Open House, May 11th: Susie O., Yvonne, Kate L. We will have a Kermes dinner. Last year Latinas Unidas club made all desserts and PTO donated the money back to the club. We have provided a suggested list of basket themes to home room teachers. Items need to be delivered before May 8th. Baskets will be put together that week and set up for the night of Open House. Bidding Owl will be opened that evening and available for one week. Need QR codes to link to items. Gift cards to restaurants and stores work well for the silent auction. Susie will send spreadsheet link for donation requests from local businesses. 8th Grade Portraits, May 7th, 10th & 12th: Nicole Reitter. Whitby B is charging $100 for each of 30 slots. Will charge $125, fundraising will go towards 8th grade promotion celebration. Each photo shoot will be for 15 minutes and will include 10 images. Will include an option for additional donations. Sign Up is available now. Tamale Fundraiser: Susie. Planned to do this for Cinco de Mayo. However - we are asking for a lot of donations from parents for the Silent Auction and Staff Appreciation. We'll hold off on this again. PTO Sponsorships: We need to start organizing and asking for sponsors for next school year. Cash sponsors at different levels get recognized on a banner in front of school and in gym, in the yearbook, and in the monthly newsletter. Board Positions and Committee Chairs: Susie O. and Nicole R. will be graduating. For next school year - Need a leader, newsletter editor and website editor. Kate Lord: Treasurer. Saira West & Yvonne Moore: Co-Secretaries. Kristi P: Spirit Wear. Denise: Sponsorships. Katie S. & Erin V.: Conference Week. Laurie K.: Staff Appreciation Week. Open House: Yvonne & Kate Lord. New Business, Ideas: Parent Social during next dance at Alibi? Informal invite to gather there, perhaps we can set up drink and food specials with them? Next meeting will be May 9, 2023, at 7:45am in the ACMS staff lounge. Adjourn: 7:15 pm
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MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025