ACMS PTO Meeting 12/12/19
Call to order 8:52am In attendance: Yvonne Moore (took minutes), Raughley Koehler, Jenny Berger, Hien Larson, Rosa Davis, Stacie Krenicki, Sophia Barr (ASB student rep) ASB Report Green Team/Eco Action Club meets Fridays during lunch, for 6th grade and for 7th/8th grade. Small turn out so far, announcing in bulletin and putting up posters to attract more students. Raughley suggested bringing in an interesting speaker to attract more students. Harvest of the Month starts in January, leadership prepares food and will pass out during break and lunch, Jill from hospital assisting. Dance was postponed from last week until this Friday, 12/13, due to weather. PTO requested ASB include an announcement in bulletin regarding PTO selling scarves at the dance as a fundraiser. Sofia will try to get into bulletin but in the future bulletin announcements need to be turned in a few days ahead of time. The school Olympics are next week. Principal’s Report New system coming in for security called “Raptor” where any guest coming to campus required to check in with an ID. System currently being used at other schools in the district. TTUSD budget: Shortfall for next year $725,000. Dr. Leri is working on the budget shortage so cuts don’t impact students, e.g. administrative conferences or other discretionary expenditures will be cut. Vaping: There have been a few parents from 7th grade emailing Mrs. Larson concerns. A few students had shared an Instagram that had vaping. Counselors have been educating students. Plans are in progress for “Athletes committed” from high school to come talk and present to each grade separately, starting with 6th grade. Consequences for first time is usually education, second time suspension but depends on circumstances. Some kids pretending using “Smarties” candy. Parents need to take an active role (check their student’s backpacks, social media, and have open conversations). Parent education night being organized. Internet usage: Whenever anyone accesses the school wifi, they have to log in as a guest and have to accept terms (including safety instructions) each time. New system does not allow apps like ‘Incognito’ and games. Email alerts sent to administration when students trying to access unallowed sites. Some students will eventually get blocked for violations. Lunch time electronics usage is allowed in library and tech lab because those are safe places for students. This is allowed in high school so middle school has the same option. Students can make other choices in the library like reading or playing chess. November Meeting MInutes Approved Raughley motioned, Stacie seconded, all approved. President’s Update (Yvonne) Yvonne emailed Mrs. Larson with Parent concerns from last meeting and will continue to communicate parent concerns with her as needed. Mrs. Larson addressed the concerns in her report. Further concern: Free time on screens in classrooms when class work is completed. Yvonne will confirm dates for Honor Roll Breakfast. Treasurer’s Update Raughley submitted federal and state annual tax reports for ACMS PTO nonprofit. She will train someone for next year. Budget same as last month. Silent/passive financial support is nice, e.g. Amazon Smile donations. SWEP is a lot of money in our budget, find ways of increasing student participation. Winter Dance December 13 is make up date for dance. Stefanie D, Edyta (and son), and maybe Jenny Berger will be there for PTO to help sell scarves. Scarves were made and donated by Edyta for PTO to sell as a fundraiser for $10. PTO to come up with ideas to sell stuff at dance that does not compete with ASB selling food. Some ideas include Sierra Essentials lip balm. Raughley will email Mrs. Blaylock asking for future themes so we can sell non-food items. Movie Night March 13. Need to choose a movie, PTO please brainstorm a movie, Star Wars? Find out what age range we can show. Popcorn machine was challenging because of transport. Do we buy one? Split cost with ASB so they can use at dance? Where to store machine if purchased? Raffle Disneyland tickets at movie night. Have games (Jenga, ping pong). Spanish Enrichment Second session starts in January with Mrs. Adams. Cost will be $120. Raughley suggested having high school students that are native speakers come volunteer to fulfill their volunteer hours. Sign Up Genius out in January. Grant Requests None Fundraisers/Upcoming Events Spanish Enrichment, Honor Roll Breakfast, Touchdown Tamales for Superbowl. Have separate meeting to brainstorm fundraiser ideas. Meeting can be in the evening in town somewhere. Meeting Adjourned 9:15am
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