ACMS PTO meeting minutes
12/8/2022 by Yvonne M Location: Truckee Raley’s One, Upstairs Attendees: Susie Overall, Yvonne Moore, Saira West, Kate Lord, Corinne Stenlund, Nicole Reitter, Dyan Johnson, Hien Larson Call to Order and Introductions: 6:30pm Approve 11/10/22 Meeting Minutes: Yvonne moved to approve, Saira seconded, all approved. Treasurer’s Report: Kate – Reviewed income and expenses for the past month. Current balance is $28,287.68. Movie Night: Canceled due to weather and lack of custodial staff hours. We want to make this happen, we’ll look at a Friday in January. Principal’s Update: Hien – 6th grade trip went well, will request $2500 for district buses from PTO. 7th grade organizing a field day, 8 th grade hoping to go to Ace’s game is spring. Movie Night on 12/9 canceled due to limited custodial hours for pending storms. Hoping to reschedule movie night for January 20 from 4-7pm. Coat and food drive going on at ACMS benefitting Truckee Community Christmas. Need to educate kids on winter awareness, e.g., charging phones, stay at school, safe place to go in town. ACMS band is doing a Holiday show in the evening on Tuesday and during school on Friday. Barter Market at school for 6 th grade only. Name the town snowplows contest, all four winners from ACMS. Two of the winning names were Blizzard of OZ and Austin Plowers. School talent show February 10. School trying to give extra emotional support to kids during the holiday season. Looking for temporary counselor to cover Mrs. Hurley while on maternity leave. Digital report cards came out. Volleyball tryouts are next week. Wrestling is back and starts in January. Students were surveyed on how they are feeling at school and how to create a positive culture. Working on the great feedback and suggestions from students. Good feedback on the wellness center, library and tech lab. Cafetorium was open for students to watch world cup. Giving out $5 gift cards to winners of Cougar Pride cards (thank you PTO for funding). Next dance potentially in February. PTO Business Sponsorships: Susie – Denise V. and ACMS students will send thank you notes. Nicole will post thank yous on social media, Hien will post thank yous in Cougar News. Spirit Wear: Susie – Kristi P. is still researching an online vendor and selling leftover spirit wear at Basketball games. Staff Holiday Thank You: Hien asked PTO about a staff thank you. PTO will try to provide lunch or breakfast. Parent Social: Saira – Maybe have it as a community event instead of a fundraiser? Could go somewhere like Alibi? Could have it during a school dance? Winter or Spring? Tamale Fundraiser: Susie – Deadline is December 20th , 5pm. We pay $25 per dozen, and we ordered 10 dozen, so the fundraiser costs us $250. So far, we have $320 donated. Social Media Posts: Nicole – Planning to start an Instagram account. Family Photo Sessions: Nicole – The photographer was unfamiliar with the expectations and only shot for a few minutes for each time slot instead of the full time. Photographer didn’t help pose the families. Spring will be Whitby B for 8 th grade students. Excellence in Education: Susie – Skiing for schools (fundraiser lift tickets) available for sale at Tahoe Dave’s. Northstar sells $25 lift tickets to local students on Wednesdays, Sundays, and School snow days with student I.D. New Business: Newsletter went out a little early this month. ACMS Homework club on Mondays and Thursdays from 2:30 – 4pm. Encourage more students to attend. Meeting adjourned: 7:38pm
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025