Meeting Minutes
Alder Creek Middle School PTO Meeting Date: December 9th, 2020 via Zoom Welcome: Call to order at 8:30 am. Attendees: Susie Overall, Hien Larson, Celli Baker, Jenny Berger, Kate Byus, Hanna Malm, Nate Melen Principal’s Update - Hien Larson: Olympic Week is the week before winter break begins. Each class has a theme - 6th grade is sports, 7th grade is decades and 8th grade is breakfast cereals. Will be virtual, will set up scavenger hunts, Cahoot games, etc. ACMS would like to remind students to keep their camera on for distance learning. If a student isn’t feeling well, call the front office and let the teachers know. If you have any COVID-19 symptoms/sick please do not come to campus. You need to notify your school site and your school nurse will be in contact with you to determine when you can return to school. A student with COVID-19 symptoms will need to stay home for ten days. If you choose to have your student tested they may return to campus with a negative test once they have been symptom-free for three days, as long as you are not the contact of a positive case. If you come in contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19, please let the school nurse know right away. Testing at Rideout is available for symptomatic TTUSD students and staff. TTUSD hopes students will be able to go back to hybrid learning on January 18th. Please remind your student to attend teacher office hours. This is a great way for them to connect to the teacher and clear up any confusion. Tutoring is also available. All school sports are currently on hold. Holiday Gifts for Students and Staff: These may be dropped off at the school during office hours and the front office will notify the recipient. Most teachers are working from school. Treasurer’s Report: Current balance is $7,524. We received $1,420 for spirit wear sales but need to pay pending invoice from Twin Forks Trading, so unknown how much we made on this fundraiser. Susie will check the PTO box at ACMS for additional donations. We spent $450 on ACMS masks for staff. Spirit Wear: Spirit Wear should arrive the week before winter break. We sold items to around 50 customers. Kate Byus will package items up. Grocery Outlet has agreed to donate bags to use for distribution, Susie will pick up. We will include a thank you and a reminder to mention ACMS when checking out at Grocery Outlet. In the future, ACMS will have an online order form available on Twin Forks’ website. We will order some popular items ahead of time for sale at Cougar Days next August. Gifts for Staff: We now have masks. Susie and Jenny will put together packages with masks, coffee packs, tea bags and mints. They will be dropped off at school and the front office will distribute. Fundraising Ideas Flower Bouquet for Mother’s Day: Mother’s Day is May 10th. We could obtain flowers (Kate’s mom?) and fillers (Celli) and have different size bouquets available. We will only take pre-paid orders in advance so we know what materials we need. Celli, Kate and Hanna will work on this. Susie will set up Sign Up Genius, sales will begin April 1st. Tamale Fundraiser: This was a successful raffle in the past. Susie will follow up with We will look at doing this closer to the Super Bowl on February 7th. Tickets will be $10 each and winners will be drawn at random. Online Auction: We typically have a silent auction during Open House in the spring. We can look at doing this online in the spring. Glenshire Elementary is using, we will likely use this so there’s continuity between schools. Mandarin/Fruit Sales: Growers over the pass offer fruit for sale by the pallet. We can pick up, package and sell for fundraising. Celli and Hanna will look into this idea for next fall. ACMS PTO Website: Susie is working on a Google Site to replace the current Weebly site. Nate has input on using Square features for fundraising, we will look into this. Next Meeting: January 13th, 2021 at 8:30 am via Zoom. Adjourn: 9:45 am. Thanks to everyone for showing up! We look forward to meeting in person one of these days!
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025