ACMS PTO Meeting Summary
December 13, 2017 - Next meeting February 7. In the Staff room at 7:45 a.m. Meeting called to order at 7:45. Introductions Present: Hien Larson, Stephanie Bragg, Kari Chalstrom, Jenifer Standteiner, Coral Cavanagh, Stacy Russell, Lisa Laliotis, Heather Spear, Rachel Koles, Corine Harvey, Marco Mora New Program from TTUSD Corine Harvey and Marco Mora of TTUSD presented information about a potential new program the District is considering, to get our feedback. They described the program and showed a short video about it. • Called “Fight the New Drug” - a new curriculum about pornography. • Uses the same vocabulary as is used during science classes - anatomy, birth control, STDs, HIV, healthy relationships, sexual harassment, addressing student questions about pornography. • Integrated approach that links with California Education Code • Would be accompanied by the option for opting out. • Would start at 8th grade level. Voting The group moved (Stephanie) and seconded (Lisa) to elect Coral as secretary and Heather and Lisa as co- Events Chairs. Hot Tamales Fundraiser • Total donations - $2,837.45. • 40 families donated. • Except for Marisol (Thank you, Marisol!!) this fundraiser required little effort. • Suggestions for improvement next year: o Provide a suggested donation based on how much we need per child per year. o Mention this at Back-to-School night. o Mention the needed purchases more specifically. • Stephanie moved, Coral seconded, and the group approved buying the largest donor some tamales. Other Fundraising Parents can make donations all year. Perhaps we can add a wooden box for the Lobby Area. Taxes for our 501(c)(3) Stephanie will determine when our taxes are due and will pay them. Follow-up: The PTO’s tax year is 8/1–7/31, as stated in our bylaws. Our federal taxes are in the form of a 990 postcard, which is due 5 months after close of the tax year, or December 15. Stephanie filed the taxes on December 13, 2017. Movie Night Co-event chairs are taking the lead on this. • Bring a low-back chair. • Hien will help with the AV. • Heather and Lisa will do a facility request. • Stephanie will get the movie license. • Need (4–8 p.m.) set-up, chaperones, and clean-up help. January 19th 5:00 p.m. Pending. Parents can email PTO if they want to volunteer. • Sell snacks (pizza for $1 a slice?). We can also use the kitchen. We can have a kitchen staff member (this is an expense). Kari and Lisa will do a Costco run to get popcorn, pizza, and cookies. • Glenshire said we can borrow their popcorn machine. Interfacing with the Teachers • How can we find out more about supporting our teachers and what they need? • Stephanie and Kari will attend a staff meeting to make contact with the teachers. Tamale Winners 8th Grade: Alex/Mary Guerrero Kami Boyer Pamela Dickerman Michael Delaney 7th Grade: Tasha Peterson Lauren Van Loon Kathy Tanner Val Bragg 6th Grade: Alicia Mercer Daniel Flores Gabrille Sabatella Hanah Davidson Morning meeting in January - Executive meeting Meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m. Next full meeting is Wednesday, February 7 at 7:45 a.m
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025