Alder Creek Middle School PTO Meeting Minutes
November 7, 2023 ACMS Staff Lounge, 7:40am Present: Hien Larson, Jill Cox, Erin Videgain, Saira West, Ashlie Taylor, Brandy Christensen, llisa Curry, Amanda Helm, Kim Heseltein, Laurie Kuntz, Yvonne Moore Absent: Kate Lord Quorum Present?: Yes Welcome/Intro, Laurie K: -Meeting called to order at 7:42am -Adopt October 2023 meeting minutes ; MOTION to approve last month's meeting minutes made by Erin V.; Hien L. seconded, passed without dissent. Treasurer’s Report, Laurie K. (on behalf of Kate Lord): -Income: Sponsorships came in at $10,700, including Family Community. HIen is meeting with teachers to let them know there will be money available for grants. Conference Week donations were received from parents. -Expenses: Sponsorship banners cost $205, less than budgeted for. Back to School flannels were given to new staff so expenses were higher than budgeted for. Cougar pride prizes were a budgeted expense. Principal’s Report, Hien L.: -Grizzly Ranch went well for the 6th graders last week. Community building, hiking, skits, great high school counselors. High School counselors will continue to mentor during the year. -7th grade SWEP field day. Two groups over two days went well. There will be another trip through Headwaters later in the year. -Food and Coat drive currently on. The warm coats benefit the students at ACMS as well. There might be a need for sleeping bags that are used for Grizzly Ranch. Amanda suggested asking the Rec Center for any leftover coats after the annual gear swap. -Yearbook is looking for extra photos taken by parents, usually accepted until March. -Spirit day (Pajamas) on Thursday, earned from cougar pride cards. -For Thanksgiving, the school counselors drop off gifts and dinner to students’ families in need. Funded by the Truckee community and food boxes from the TTUSD food service. -PTO may be asked to sponsor a couple of students for Grizzly Ranch. -Yearbook PTO page needs to be completed by 1/15/23. Yearbook teacher and students will lay out. Meeting and Events Calendar, Laurie K.: -One change, PTO meeting on December 5th will be at 6pm at Raley’s One upstairs, instead of in the morning. PTO Bylaws Amendment, Yvonne M.: -Proposal to add a Quorum. “A quorum will consist of two members, other than the president, who only votes in case of a tie.” MOTION to approve amendment by Laurie K.; Amanda H. seconded, passed without dissent. Request for Endorsement Letter for Friends of the Truckee Library, Laurie K.: -A brief overview of the plans for building a new Truckee library. -MOTION to approve the endorsement letter made by Laurie K.; Jill C. seconded, passed without dissent. ASB Leadership presentation and Grant Request: Students; Layla A., Sidney H., Eloise C, Sophia R, Allison M, -”Teacher Respect” project from Regal leadership camp (camp tuition was funded by Truckee Rotary). Each year after camp, there is a project that the attendees complete. -Proposal: 1) Classroom supplies are often mistreated by students, and need to be replaced. The idea is for students to take ownership of treating supplies respectfully, and to replace the broken supplies before the teacher needs to ask for new ones. 2) Staff will be spotlighted in the daily bulletin, will receive an appreciation card and a gift. -Request for $1750 for financial support; $1000 for classroom supplies, $720 for teacher appreciation gifts, and $30 for cards. Discussion on whether or not PTO should fund classroom supplies. Hien will ask the Site Council for $1000 to fund the supplies. Hien suggested including substitute teachers for the teacher recognition. -MOTION to approve $750 grant to ASB leadership for staff appreciation project made by Erin V.; Brandy C. seconded, passed without dissent. New Business: -Jill Cox will help with ACMS PTO social media. -Brandy asked about Google for nonprofits, suggested talking to Darcy Salinas from Glenshire. -Amanda H. asked about 8th grade promotion planning meetings. Hien said she starts them in February or March. Laurie requested to start the planning meetings earlier to get more help. -Open House auction, Laurie said Delana H. offered to help. No classroom baskets this year. -Amanda H. asked about an overnight field trip for current 8th graders since they didn’t have any in 5th and 6th grade due to Covid 19. Hien said it is difficult to organize overnight field trips because the overnight trips need to be in the teachers’ contracts before the school year starts. Hien thought that a special trip during the day would be great. There are about 180 8th grade students at ACMS. -Laurie K. suggested attendance at the TTUSD facilities master plan meeting on 11/8/23. Meeting adjourned at 8:53pm by Laurie K. Next meeting, December 5, 2023, 6pm at Truckee Raley’s ONE upstairs Loft. Minutes submitted by Secretary, Yvonne Moore
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025