Meeting Minutes
Alder Creek Middle School PTO Meeting Time/Location: 7:40am – 9:00am, ACMS Staff Lounge Next Meeting: December 12th, 2019 Welcome / Sign in / Intro Introductions, adopted meeting minutes from last meeting. Attendees: Yvonne Moore, Jenny Suh, Raughley Koehler, Stacie Krenicki, Celli Baker, Jennifer Standteiner, Edyta Myer, Stefanie Deuber, Rebecca Meyerholz, Hien Larson, Susie Overall. PTO & ASB Annika Overall and Sofia Barr attended. Wellness Club - nobody signed up for this, so it’s being done in Leadership. Every Wednesday they put a wellness fact in the bulletin. Thinking of starting Harvest of the Month again. Green and Clean card - leadership hands out to students doing green activities, such as picking up trash. Starting a Green Team with SWEP and approved the funding. Dance coming up December 6th. In the past, PTO has come in and set up a table during the dance to raise money by selling items such as friendship bracelets, stuffies, etc. We can put things in the leadership bulletin that we want to communicate. Principal’s Update - Mrs. Larson - Dance on December 6th: Only ACMS students. DJ’s soundboard was broken, will be fixed. - Independent Study: This is a valuable option. Takes a long time for teachers to put together, students need to turn work the day they return. The contract is discussed with the student, it’s their responsibility to give form to each teacher before they leave. Need to fill out contract at least a week before they leave. If work isn’t done, it impacts attendance for the school and district. - Calendar Committee: Surveyed parents, teachers to set up calendar for the upcoming years. Was voted to have school the days before Thanksgiving but keep Ski Skate Week. They did vote to start after Labor Day. - Staff thanks the PTO for the amazing conference week meals! - ELAC meeting tonight at the district office. They are happy to continue doing the Kermes dinner for Open House and offered to do another (for example tacos at movie night). - Grizzly Ranch field trip for 6th graders will be in May. President’s Update PTO insurance: Only $50 per year (school year or calendar year?) through District (Todd Rivera). Some rules - such as no bounce houses, doesn’t cover board embezzlement. Tax filing: Stephanie Bragg will train Raughley on how to file. Spanish Enrichment: Reini said that Mrs. Adams will confirm by December 1st if they would like to continue. PTO Summit: School District invites PTO leaders to gather to share information. Theme was “Back to the Future” - comparisons between now and 2011. Our schools have received many awards. Went over bullet points from mission statement on what district is doing well and where there are opportunities. For ACMS, seems there could be more integration with our communities. This district is facing an upcoming deficit in the budget. Cuts they are considering are in places that do NOT affect kids. Mrs. Larson was the regional principal of the year! Dr. Leri is embarking on his listening and learning tour. December 5th, 5:30 - community update on facilities by Dr. Leri at Truckee High. Discussing Measure U. Points of concern: TTUSD budget, post link to presentation on budget & facilities to website, vaping issue. Conference Week Staff Meals Staff was very grateful for the meals! We needed to purchase additional food. We are reviewing what else we need and adjusting the sign up accordingly. We had too much of some things. We are also moving days around so leftovers from one day can be used for another day. Jenny Suh - suggested we have a place for parents to donate money to put towards food and supplies. This will capture parents who don’t have time to bring something in. Calli - suggested we set up a place outside the school where parents can hand donation to us rather than having to park and bring things in, such as in front of the school. Perhaps we do this again during Staff Appreciation Week (week of May 4th). Stacy and Celli offered to help with this. Treasurer’s Report Presented by Raughley. Reviewed profit and loss statement for recent endeavors. Those that cost money include meals for staff appreciation week, honor roll. Grant Requests SWEP - We are funding half of the SWEP program ($450), ASB will be funding the other half. Approved. Spanish Enrichment Class Scholarships - We have $200 in the budget for this. Approved $90 grant request for scholarship. Discussed raising the price a bit for next semester to fund scholarships. Snacks for Students - Request from Mrs. Alexander. Students are coming to school hungry as they’re not eating breakfast. Need easy things such as bars. Raughley made motion to spend $25 on bars, Yvonne seconded, approved. Stefanie to match with another $25. Celli will buy bars. Fundraiser Ideas Jeans - having this after school didn’t work, kids had to leave. Parents need to be involved as they are paying for them. New idea is to have a weekly raffle of jeans that Edyta makes. Edyta can make scarves to sell at the dance. Or these can be silent auction items or sold at the silent auction. Amazon Smile - Untapped resource. Will send out notification before Thanksgiving to remind everyone to use and select “Alder Creek Middle School” as their beneficiary. Giving Tuesday - Suggest giving to Alder Creek PTO. Garage Sale ACMS Ski Swap - Bring in cross country ski gear as well as downhill skis and snowboards. Photo Shoot - Yvonne Moore has overseen these at Glenshire with success. $125 each ($75 to photographer, $50 to ACMS). 8th grade portrait photo shoot in the spring. Book Faire - Perhaps involve Word after Word. Committee of Jenny to research. Spirit Wear Sales - Hooded t-shirts ($32), long sleeve t-shirts ($18). Jenny, Celli and Jennifer to research. Calendar of Events/Event Ideas for Upcoming Year Honor Roll Breakfast: January, Rosa Davis and Courtney Murrel. Tentatively set for January 14th - 17th. Adjourn Future meetings will be second Thursday of the month, 7:40 - 9 am. Raughley motioned, Rebecca seconded, passed. We will have our next meeting on December 12th. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 am.
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025