ACMS PTO meeting minutes 10/13/22
At Raley’s ONE upstairs. Call to order 6:23pm Adjourn 7:45pm Next meeting: 11/10/22, 7:45am ACMS staff lounge Members present: Susie Overall, Yvonne Moore, Wendy McKechnie, Kristi Prochazka, Nicole Reitter, Denise Van Beek, Hien Larson, Jenny Berger Welcome/Intro. -Minutes approved from last meeting. PTO Board & Committee Heads: -Co-leaders: Susie O & OPEN, Co-secretaries: Saira West & Yvonne M, Treasurer: Kate Lord, Sponsorships: Denise V, Social Media: Nicole R, Spirit Wear: Kristi P, Conference Week Planning: Erin Videgain & Katie Smith, Staff Appreciation Week: Nicole R & Laurie Kuntz, Silent Auction Committee: Kate L & Yvonne M, Cougar Day Volunteers 2023: Laurie K, Katie S, Yvonne M. Treasurer’s report from Susie: -Purchased Quicken On-line. -Our budgeted income has increased from $10,000 to $20,000 for the first time in many years. -There is a Google form to submit for expense reimbursement. Principal’s report from Hien: -Dance tomorrow, new system for attendance check in during the dance: students’ will scan a QR code from their cell phone. Students with no phone will use sign in sheet. Same DJ from 8th grade dance last year. Raised funds go to Associated Student Body (ASB). ASB will use money for charter buses for sports since there are not enough parent drivers due to the volunteer driver process just rolling out. -Parent volunteer process through TTUSD. Process faster if needed info on hand, e.g. DMV driving report and liability insurance amounts. -6th grade field trip still looking for male high school junior and senior counselors for 11/14, 15 & 16. Contact Mrs. Larson and Mrs. Hurley. Need some scholarship money for kids who can’t afford fee. Truckee Optimist group gave $500 for scholarships. -Mrs. Hurley going out on maternity leave, hiring for a temporary sub. Looking to hire more instructional aides. -ACMS site visit from Board of Education and Superintendent. Both gave accolades. Usually come twice a year. Been awhile due to COVID. -ACMS site visit from Placer County Office of Education (PCOE). Liked what they saw. Great start on a positive year with student behavior. Sense of calm at school and students happy to be there. -Focus on getting students to grade level standard using Accelerated Workshop. -Aeries will report two different grades for each subject, one grade is academic and the other behavior/work habits. -Reinforcing positive behavior with incentives e.g., $5 gift cards to local restaurants. -Excited about student led conferences for parents. -New Assistant Principal is Andrew Losk from South Lake Tahoe High School. He has been a middle school 8th grade teacher. -New wellness center, library and tech center open during lunch and break. PTO Sponsorships report from Denise: -Have 4 new sponsors for 9 total: Truckee Pediatric Dentistry, People 415 (HR support to small businesses), Sugarpine Engineering, Tinsel House Studio. Last year carrying over: CATT, Walton’s Grizzly Lodge, Overall Hamilton Real Estate, West Orthodontics, Grocery Outlet. Grocery Outlet sponsorship in the form of regular donations as a percentage of customer spending. -Deadline for banner is 10/14. Banner will be bigger than last year. Conference Week 10/24-28 report from Susie: -Need more volunteer signups for food and help. -Mi Pueblito would charge $850 to cater a lunch, LY was $500. Hien will follow up on price break. -Received $350 in cash donations so far. Spirit Wear report from Kristi: -Gathering data on current inventory and past program. -Researching Squad Locker and Bonfire as possible on demand suppliers. -Perhaps survey students through leadership on what items they want for Spirit Wear. 10/14 ACMS Dance PTO plan report from Susie: -PTO will have a table selling flashing glasses $2 and blinky rings $1. Giving away glow stick bracelets. Not to make money, just for fun! -Yvonne M and Jenny B will be volunteering at the PTO table. One more volunteer needed. -Hien said there are plenty of parent volunteers for dance. 8th grade photos report from Nicole: -Whitby B. has offered $125 for 15 minutes ($100 for her, $25 for us). -Aldana Fernandez, past student $100 ($70 for her, $30 PTO). -A suggestion was made to have Whitby photograph 8th grade students and Aldana photograph families. New Business and Ideas: -Movie Night in gym for students. Friday night 12/2 before holiday break? District paid for movie licensing rights. -Parent Fun Night: Bingo? Winter themed dance party for adults at Parks and Rec art center? -Ice skating or Roller skating? -Social time for adults at Open House? -Hien might be willing to host a Vietnamese dinner for the silent auction prize. -Pay for PTO liability insurance through TTUSD Todd Rivera (Susie will check).
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025