ACMS PTO Meeting Summary
October 9, 2018, 7:45 .m. (Next meeting Nov 13 at 7:45 a.m.) Introductions Present were Stephanie Bragg, Katie Flynn, Raughley Koehler, Coral Cavanagh, Lori Clemente, Lucy Hodges, Stacy Russell, Yvonne Moore, Marcy Dolan, Andie Keith, Susie Overall, Lisa Laliotis, Marie Desmond, Birgitta Depaoli. Yes on Measure AA • T-shirts and window stickers distributed. • All the PTOs in TTUSD (except us) have contributed. The Campaign is seeking to raise $15,000 to send out mailers to the 17,000 voters. • It was duly moved and seconded to donate $1,000 to the Measure AA campaign and approved by vote by the group. (See also Treasurer’s report below). • Remember the power of communication. Tell everyone you know to vote. It’s on page 3 of the ballot. • We need two-thirds of all who vote. o If every parent in the district voted yes, this would pass. • Phone banking has hit 25% so far. Of those who answered, 37% are opposed. • If the ballot requires additional postage, perhaps we could hand out stamps. • Senior exemption-if you are 65 and older, you can mail in a form that makes you exempt to the tax. • Good to clarify that the new building projects are separate from Measure AA. • Each school will have one week of phone banking. Yvonne (ACMS) and Susie (Glenshire El) are leading phone banking efforts. o A script is available. • Key message – it’s only $13 more. • Get local high school kids and recent grads to Instagram this. Remind their friends that it will pay for the AP classes they took. Disneyland Ticket Giveaway • Because of the importance to our school district of Measure AA campaign, we are postponing the Disneyland Ticket Giveaway to November 30. • Combine with a movie night? Treasurer’s Report • PTO bank balance is $6,370. We will probably need to contribute $2,000 for the upcoming 7th grade field trip. Conference Week is Oct 22–26 • Provide Measure Aa information when parents are coming and going? (Stephanie will ask Dr. Leri.) • Susie will do a sign-up genius. UPCOMING DATES • Conference week/Minimum Days are Oct 22–26. • Our meetings will generally be on the 2nd Tuesdays of the month at 7:45, in the ACMS staff room. • Next meeting November 13 at 7:45 a.m. • Vote on or before November 6.
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025