Alder Creek Middle School PTO meeting minutes 9/5/23
Location: Raley’s One McKinney Loft Meeting called to order at 6:10pm Attendees: Caren Schatz, Erin Videgain, Dyan Johnson, Laurie Kuntz, Jill Cox, Becky Barton, Brandy Christensen, Saira West, Kate Lord, Yvonne Moore, Nicole Mason, Kristin Cooksey, Katie Smith, Hien Larson Welcome/Intro, Laurie K -Adopt June 2023 meeting minutes, Saira W. made a motion to approve, Kate L seconded, all voted in favor. -Taking a photo of attendees at the end of the meeting for the yearbook Treasurer’s Report, Kate L: -Recent expenses include 8th grade promotion dance and teacher welcome back to school breakfast. -Fiscal Budget for current school year proposed. Made changes to expenses to allow for a balanced budget. Income does not include photo shoots or school dances. Expense budget includes; a proposed limit of $1000 for the 8th grade promotion dance, an increase to $990 for SWEP program, no Arts For the Schools (now called Fox Cultural Hall) as they have changed their programming, reading rewards budgeted for $1750 for sweatshirts. Income budget includes leftover money for the band from a targeted donation from last school year. Saira W. made a motion to approve the budget, Yvonne M. seconded, all voted in favor. -Spread the word about Grocery Outlet donating a portion of a customer’s sale to their school of choice upon request. Principal’s Update, Laurie K (on behalf of Hien Larson): -Great start to the school year. Morning and afternoon drop off is flowing better than last year at this time. Grant Requests, Laurie K (on behalf of Hien L.): -1) Hien L. requested $337 for medical hip packs for teacher’s to wear while monitoring lunch and break times. The goal is to cut down on students going to the office for simple medical needs like a bandaid. Kate L. made a motion to approve, Erin V. seconded, all voted in favor. -2) Hien L. requested $400 for flannel shirts for the new teachers (matching the shirts given out for teacher appreciation gifts last May). Yvonne M. made a motion to approve, Nicole M. seconded, all voted in favor. -3) New teacher, Andrew Olson, requested $1000 for partial funding for ‘VEX IQ Robotix’ program for 7th grade. Erin V. helped get a Rotary grant that will fund this. Saira W. made a motion to approve, Katie S. seconded, all voted in favor. Sponsorships, Saira W.: -Erin V. and Laurie K. have been helping with sponsorships. Preliminary count shows we have made our target budget amount of $7500 for sponsorship donations. -Excellence in Education might be looking for a new Alder Creek Middle School parent representative since Susie Overall no longer has a student at ACMS. Meeting and Events Calendar, Laurie K.: -The PTO meeting dates have been approved for this school year. A school dance will be coming up soon but we don’t know the date yet. Spirit Wear, Laurie K. (on behalf of Kristi Prochazka): -Last year Kristi Prochazka tried selling spirit wear through an on-line ordering store which was unsuccessful. This year Kristi pre-ordered 75 hoodies in one style and color. Kristi and Laurie sold 50 sweatshirts at Cougar Day. Conference Week October 23-27, Erin V and Katie S.: -Same menu plan as last year; Monday salads, Tuesday breakfast, Wednesday Raley’s sandwiches, Thursday soups, Friday baked potato bar. Open to suggestions for changes to menu. Using Sign Up Genius again to have parents volunteer to bring in food or contribute with financial donations. PTO Admin, Laurie K: -PTO Bylaws need to be reviewed and updated. Board will review and suggest changes to vote on at the next general meeting. PTO Board & Committee Chairs, Laurie K: -Leader (Laurie K.), Co-Leader (Open), Treasurer (Kate L.), Secretary (Yvonne M.), Sponsorships (Saira W.), Spirit Wear (Kristi P.), Conference Week (Katie S., Erin V.), Staff Appreciation Week (Open), Open House Silent Auction (Yvonne M., Kate L.). Website and Newsletter (Laurie K.), Social Media (Open), Fundraising (Open). Kristin Cooksey volunteered to help with Staff Appreciation Week. Meeting Adjourned: 7:11pm. Next PTO meeting October 3, 7:45am at the ACMS Staff Lounge.
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025