Welcome / Intro
Attendees: Susie Overall, Nicole Reitter, Saira West, Yvonne Moore, Kate Lord, Katie Smith, Hien Larson, Dyan Johnson, Laurie Kuntz, Kristi Prochazka. Introductions and welcome! Adopt meeting minutes from May. Laurie made a motion to approve and Kate seconded, all approved. Treasurer’s Report & Budget Review Kate - Report for 2022-23 school year. Grant or Reimbursement requests - use this Form. Grant request to review. Budget - needs to be created for next year, set meeting for summer. Open House fundraiser went well. Gross from auction was $5211, Kermes Gross $2020. 8th grade promotion donation of $750 from West Orthodontics. Currently in account $30,174 after current checks are cashed. There are upcoming expenses for end of the year transportation for school field trips which will bring us to about $22,000. PTO purchased more playground equipment for around $200. Mrs. Tomaselo’s music conference expense was paid out of the $2000 band donation. Kate will look into the max budget for a non-profit and if we need to move some money into a CD. Grant request for 6th grade science class for S’Mores solar ovens, $92.55. Laurie made a motion to approve and Nicole seconded. All in favor. Went over proposed budget for next school year. We are showing a little deficit for next year’s budget. Kristi suggested promoting Grocery Outlet, more sponsorships, and look into a U.S. Bank money market fund. Susie made a motion to add Laurie Kuntz to the ACMS PTO bank account at US Bank. Yvonne seconded, all approved. Principal’s Update Hien - working on 8th grade awards for the end of the year and invitations. Chromebooks for all students will be collected this year. Chromebook insurance will not be offered next year because it doesn’t cover what actually happens to Chromebooks. Chromebooks will officially be the property of the school. We are adding a new grading system, Jumprope, in order to better communicate learning. Our district is looking into different math options. FOSS is our newly adopted science curriculum. Mrs. Berelson is retiring and Mrs. Keller and Mrs. Bouchard are leaving (moving out of the area). A new tech teacher has been hired. New advisory program district wide for social emotional. Cougar day is 8/21 from around 11 - 2. Summer campus will be open once a week for a few hours for library and Chromebook access. Parents will be asked to fill out transportation information before school starts, preferably before or at Cougar Days. Headwaters science field trip for 7th graders yesterday and Thursday. Open House Susie - May 11th. Silent Auction: $5,211, Kermes Dinner: $2,020. Easy to use Bidding Owl. Need someone to oversee for next year. Need to send out thank yous to donors. HUGE thank you to volunteers!! Suggestion to shorten the number of days the auction is open and end it the following Monday since people wait to bid and we can get the baskets out of the office. Three items have not been paid for or picked up. Nicole created a thank you for our business owners and tagged them on social media. There is a record of businesses who donated and their contact info in a spreadsheet in the PTO drive. 8th Grade Promotion Susie - Summary. Volunteers needed. Seed money is rolled over each year for the following year. Laurie reminded us that the Promotion Celebration comes together over the last week. Need more 8th grade parents to help. Spirit Wear Kristi - Will just have sweatshirts, ordering through Dead Ringer. She is waiting to hear back since the owner is out of town. Budget was talked about for 100 sweatshirts at a cost of $25 each. Katie made a motion to approve and Kate seconded, all agreed. There's another option she's going to look in to. Cougar Days August 21st, 11 - 1. Katie Smith, Kate, Laurie and Yvonne. Selling sweatshirts and bracelets. Volunteer sign up sheet. Have parents sign up as volunteer drivers for field trips. PTO Sponsorships Saira - (Saira will contact Erin Videgain). Saira is putting together a time line for the fall. Board and Committees Next Year Kate L. (Treasurer), Saira W. (Sponsorships) Yvonne M. (Secretary), Kristi P. (Spirit Wear), Conference Week (Katie S., Erin V.), Staff Appreciation (Laurie K.), Open House (Yvonne, Kate L.), Social Media (Kate L.). Need Co-Leaders, Newsletter and Website, support for committees, At Large positions, staff room snacks coordinator. New Business, Questions, Ideas, Thank Yous Ideas welcome! Parents’ Social during 8th Grade Celebration. Update bylaws and board positions. Upcoming Calendar. Change handle for Instagram? Thank you gift for graduating 8th grade PTO board? Saira will create a calendar for PTO meetings. Continue to alternate morning and afternoon. Adjourn 9:20am Next meeting TBD - during summer to create budget, plan for Cougar Days.
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025