Alder Creek Middle School PTO Meeting Minutes
May 7, 2024 Raley's One Loft, Truckee, 6:00pm Present: Hilda Vazquez, Brandy Christensen, Jill Cox, Hien Larson, Yvonne Moore, Laurie Kuntz Absent: Kate Lord and Saira West Quorum Present?: Yes Welcome/Intro, Laurie K.: -Meeting called to order at 6:09pm. -Adopt April 2024 meeting minutes ; MOTION to approve last month’s meeting minutes made by Hien L.; Brandy C. seconded, passed without dissent. Principal’s Report, Hien L.: -Thanks to PTO for teacher appreciation week; lunch, straw hat gift, breakfast, sweets, bucket, etc. -Active end of the school year. CAASPP testing is starting next week. Kids need a charged Chromebook every day, a good night’s rest, and a healthy breakfast. Testing is about an hour per day. The wellness center will have extra outdoor activities to keep them active. All grades will have a beach day. 8th grade will go to a Reno Aces game and have an awards night before graduation. 7th grade will have the Headwaters field trip. 6th grade go to the airshow. Leadership has a field trip to Sand Harbor. All grades Talent show on 5/30, students’ tryout. Treasurer’s Report, Laurie K.: -Grocery Outlet donation from percentage of receipt program going well. -Kermes brought in over $2000. Laurie gave thank you chocolates to the admin staff and Ivana for helping to organize. Staff Appreciation Week, Laurie K.: -Laurie requested to increase the budget to $2000 (around $25 x 75 staff) since inflation is increasing costs. A MOTION to increase the budget to $2000 for Staff appreciation week was made by Hien L.; Jill C. seconded, passed without dissent. -Kristen Cooksey organized the week and Brandy C. helped. Brandy mentioned more sides were needed for the lunch next year. Silent Auction, Laurie K.: -Taking place now. Didn’t do baskets this year hoping that parents would bid more on the silent auction. Might decrease a few opening bids for items that haven’t been bid on, the day before the auction closes. Hien will send a text blast Wednesday and Thursday to ACMS parents reminding them about the silent auction. Grant Requests, Laurie K.: -Assembly from Kevin Bracy went well. -Grant requests from Pam Hamilton. 1) $450 for Headphones to use for testing for all 6th grade students (about 200 students). 2) $100 for multiple scissors that cut cardboard. MOTION to approve both of Pam Hamilton's grant requests made by Yvonne M.; Hien L. seconded, passed without dissent. 8th Grade Promotion, Laurie K.: -Planning committee has been meeting and things seem to be going well. -Yvonne requested the budget be increased for the current 8th grade promotion event if needed, since the current 8th grade class only used about $600 of the $2000 in the 2022-2023 PTO budget for their field trip, and used $0 from the 2021-2022 PTO budget due to COVID restrictions. The group agreed the budget should be increased if needed. Other Business: -Hilda works at Northstar transportation. Looking into helping with future TTUSD field trip transportation needs. Meeting adjourned at 6:50pm by Laurie K. Next meeting, June 4, 2024, 6:00pm at Raley’s One Loft, Truckee. Minutes Submitted by Secretary, Yvonne Moore
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025