ACMS PTO Meeting Minutes
April 22nd, 2021 Attendees: Susie Overall, Hien Larson, Celli Baker, Kate Byus, Jenny Berger, Raughley Koehler. Call to order at 8:30. Adopt meeting minutes from last meeting. Principal’s Update, Hien Larson: Working on ideas for 8th grade end of year promotion, things are uncertain. Could have a ceremony on June 17th at 6 pm for pods of immediate household. 220 kids will be graduating. Staff really appreciates the treats PTO has been providing monthly, it makes a big difference. ELO District Grant - Stakeholder input is needed. We need to implement a learning recovery program. Ideas are due on May 4th, will be presented to the board on June 1st, then to the state. Funds available in September 2021 until 2023. Three factors:
-Team-based trivia done on Zoom, etc. Introduce kids, get them working together as a team to learn. Make things academic but fun! -Provide transportation for supplemental programs for those who need it to ensure inclusion -Non-sport related clubs - Minecraft, D&D, acting, music, chess, book club, etc. -Promote sports teams which may have stagnated -Field trips, dances, overnights, hands-on social activities - when safe -Team-based projects - for example: build a business and go through the steps - funding, planning, production, staffing -Field day - fun activities, sports -Day in the Arts Event - rotate through booths with artistic and cultural elements. Look to community members who can share their skills and crafts. I.e. mood boards, jewelry making, pottery, music, art mediums. -School assemblies - everyone gathers once a week to experience, learn something fun and cohesive -Enrichment classes: Handwriting/cursive, keyboarding, Spanish - immersion, partner with another student to learn together or teach each other. Peer to peer support. -Spelling Bee -Assign staff/counselor/tutor to each student to go through their grades, assignments, figure out what they need help with, how to catch up, what they’re behind on -Assign staff to follow up emotionally with students. Partner them with another kid who can support them, work on things together. -Provide education for parents - how to check on students’ grades, progress. How do they help their child and advocate for their learning? -Trusted adult program - make sure all students have one, check in throughout the year Treasurer’s Report and Budget Review, Raughley: Presented the Treasurer’s Report, our balance is $6,590. Grocery Outlet has been a huge supporter and our main source of donations. We are sending them a thank you and will try to promote them as much as possible. Discussion on possible online silent auction to supplement our budget. We don’t feel right approaching local businesses which have had to make so many changes over this past year for donations. We will work on other fundraising ideas which can raise money, like the tamale raffle. Disneyland tickets, lodging for a weekend, succulent plants, etc. Mother’s Day Bouquets: Orders are due Friday, April 23rd. We will meet for production at Kate’s house and have bouquets ready to distribute after school on May 7th. A reminder eblast will go out on Friday. Staff Appreciation Week, May 3rd - 7th: We reviewed a plan to do something special each day of the week for the 72 ACMS staff members rather than purchasing a gift card for each staff member as we did last year. We will provide snacks and gifts using a budget of $1,750. An email will be sent to staff on Monday, May 3rd to give them a heads up for some of the festivities. Excellence in Education Kudos Campaign: In lieu of the Fellows and Star Awards this year, Excellence in Education would like to recognize all TTUSD staff. An online form was created to submit Kudos and will be communicated to all parents. They have asked the PTO to help promote this campaign which will end April 30th. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 am. Next meeting will be Wednesday, May 12th at 8:30 a.m.
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025