Alder Creek Middle School PTO Meeting Minutes
March 5, 2024 ACMS Staff Lounge, 7:45am Present: Laurie Kuntz, Kate Lord, Hien Larson, Yvonne Moore, Dyan Johnson Quorum Present?: Yes Welcome/Intro, Laurie K: -Meeting called to order at 7:50am. -Adopt February 2024 meeting minutes ; MOTION to approve last month’s meeting minutes made by Dyan J.; Kate L. seconded, passed without dissent. -Middle School parent orientation on 3/21, Laurie will bring ACMS PTO sweatshirts to sell. She will also give a quick PTO info presentation. -Tamales fundraiser was easy for PTO to organize and parents and staff like this fundraiser. Elvia helped organize. Treasurer’s Report, Kate L.: -Income; net $431 from tamales fundraiser. Band teacher Mrs. Tomasello used part of her donation fund for new band instruments. -Current bank balance is $35,033. Principal’s Report, Hien L.: -End of Trimester is this Friday. -Middle school parent orientation for parents of incoming 6th graders is 3/21, 6pm at ACMS. -Great volleyball and nordic season. -Parent night at THS for parents of incoming 9th graders is 3/14. Moved from original date because of snow storm. -High School counselors coming this Thursday to 8th grade math classes to help with HS scheduling. -Very active March: Two minimum days this month, wellness fair 3/13, PTO summit, zone concert. Grant Requests: -Rachel Koles, school counselor, requesting funding for a school assembly with Kevin Bracy; a motivational speaker who will focus on kindness and respect. Assembly will kick off kindness week. Speaker presentation will be for 50 minutes. Building on the assembly afterwards by creating a poster on a primary take away from the presentation. Kindness week begins on April 8. MOTION to approve funding for Kevin Bracy made by Laurie K.; Dyan J. seconded, passed without dissent. Meeting & Events Calendar, Yvonne M.: -No changes. Upcoming Events, Laurie K.: -Open House Silent Auction, To Do: A)Create a letter to parents, requesting creative donations through experiences (e.g. haircut, window washing, etc) B)Email homeroom teachers the parent request letter and have teachers forward it to their homeroom class’ parents. C)Revise donation request sheet. D)Create a Google form for parent donations. New Business, Laurie K.: -Budget amended; line item name changed from ‘Arts for the Schools’ to ‘School Assemblies’. -ELAC and Kermes dinner, Ivana is the ACMS staff contact. -Staff appreciation week headed by Kristin Cooksey. -Staff gift suggestion of straw lifeguard hats with ACMS logo. Meeting adjourned at 8:37am by Laurie K. Next meeting, April 9, 2024, 7:45am at ACMS Staff Lounge. Minutes Submitted by Secretary, Yvonne Moore
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025