Meeting Minutes
Alder Creek Middle School PTO Meeting Purpose: PTO Meeting Date: February 13th, 2020 Attendeels: Hien Larson, Susie Overall, Yvonne Moore, Raughley Koehler Time/Location: 7:40am – 9:00am, ACMS Staff Lounge Next Meeting: 03/19/2020 Meeting Chair: Yvonne Moore Welcome / Sign in / Intro Introductions, adopt meeting minutes from last meeting PTO & ASB Annika and Sofia - Valentine items: They have been selling (stuffed animals, etc.), and are delivering today. Dance: Need to submit song request list to DJ earlier. 330 people attended which is a bit higher than usual. Green Team: Rally people around Earth Day. Upcoming: Talent Show Principal’s Update Mrs. Larson - 8th Grade Parent Night at Truckee High School - Next one is March 3rd. Received notice of the first meeting really late. PowerPoint will soon be available online on THS counseling page. THS counselors are coming to ACMS on March 11th to work with students on schedule. “Like” Movie at THS on March 10th - Strongly encourage parents to attend. Topic is social media and technology, and its effect on our kids. Sick Kids - Kids cannot come to school within 24 hours of fever or vomiting. Honor Roll - Changes to Distinguished Scholar distinction and recognition coming up. 8th grade dance and promotion - date will be determined by upcoming snow days. President’s Update Thank you to the team for efforts on Summit Swirl and Tamale fundraisers. Treasurer’s Report Account balance is $9,727. Reviewing our non-profit status for taxes. Received an overdue tax notice from 2017. We are going to look into finding help from a professional. Susan Phebus (previous ACMS principal) confirmed ACMS PTO had non-profit status set up while she was principal. Need to 1099 the Spanish teacher. Talk to GES Enrichment Coordinator for assistance. Silent Auction Committee Open House is April 30th. Committee meeting is March 2nd, 5 - 7 pm, at Lift Workspace. Movie & Game Night March 13th. Proposed the movie Maze Runner, we need to buy this (Susie). Wear your onesies. Yvonne to buy snacks, napkins, etc. at Costco. Pizzas from Safeway. Need volunteers, will send out Sign Up Genius. Will advertise w/ eblast, ASB Bulletin, Cougar News. Ask Mrs. Larson which games we can have available. Raffle off movie dvd, find some other small items. Disneyland Tickets We have five Disneyland Parkhopper tickets. They will be placed in the Silent Auction. To obtain future tickets, we need to submit photographic evidence of parents, teachers and students working on events, fundraisers. Open House Silent Auction Need to start submitting requests for donations now to some organizations which need more notice, such as Squaw, Northstar. Items should be for NEXT year since this season will be coming to a close. Tamale Touchdown Fundraiser HUGE success! Earned $2,479 from 42 donors (donation range $7 - $500), net was $2,211after paying for tamales. We will keep this fundraiser Restaurant Fundraisers Panda Express - March 4th, minimum day. Eblast will be sent out. ASB to include in their bulletin. Add to Cougar News. Summit Swirl - February 7th. Waiting for an update on success. Staff Appreciation Week Week of May 4th. Discuss ideas. We don’t have money in the budget for this. Look at things that don’t cost much, such as parents bring in treats one day, bring in coffee all week. Don’t want to burn out parents by asking for too much. Grant Requests Two scholarships for Spanish class were awarded, funded through the $20 additional tuition fee for each participating student. Excellence in Education grant cycle is coming up April 9th. Board Members for Next Year Who is moving on, which positions do we need to fill Adjourn 9:30 am
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025