Meeting Date: January 7, 2025 @ 7:45am
Attendees: Jill Cox, Nicole Sachse, Principal Hien Larson, Kate Lord, Sarah Maile, Kate Lord, Brandy Christensen. Welcome & Intro: Kate Lord and Jill Cox voted to approve the minutes from December, 2024. Treasurer’s Report & Budget Review: 6 th grade field trips and $700 in student gifts were the majority of the spend. Fleeces for staff were paid for $1700 for PTO’s 50% portion. Hien showed us one of the fleeces—they turned out great. Principal’s Update: Hien described the start of Homework Club on Thursdays. There will be an English and Social Studies teacher and a math teacher at homework club. Hien is also trying to get Tuesdays. Parents need to sign up by Wednesday of the week they want to go (the day before the homework club they want to attend). Jill will put a post out tonight. Parking and pickup—no parking in staff lounge area (east side of the school). Volleyball (technically co-ed, but just girls now) and Nordic Skiing are happening. 23 rd and 24 th are minimum days, as is February 5 th . Dance is February 7 th . Sixth-Grade Outreach: Nicole presented a draft. Megan is a graphic designer and will help make the flyer pretty. Jill Cox and Sarah also volunteered to help. Brandy will check in with Nicole in a week or so to keep it moving. Touchdown Tamales: Rosa has agreed to make the tamales again. We will run it again like we did last year. Open House/Silent Auction/Kermes Dinner: Can we open the auction earlier? Shift to before open house and end it on the Friday or Saturday after open house so it doesn’t conflict with staff appreciation. We would need to have all the donations before Spring Break if we move the date forward. Jill brought up the fact that May is a very busy month. 8th Grade Promotion: We discussed the need for the first meeting for the 8 th grade promotion party and that we could try to hold it at the February PTO Meeting. Meeting adjourned.
Minutes: December 3, 2024 PTO Meeting Date: December 3, 2024
Attended: PTO Meeting Chair: Laurie Kuntz, Megan Gage, Kristin Cooksey, Jill Cox, Hilda Vazquez, Hien Larson (Principal), Autum Lincoln, Dyan Johnson, Nicole Sachse, Kate Lord (Treasurer) Welcome & Intro Vote: Laurie called for a vote to approve the minutes from our November meeting. Kate moved to approve the minutes and Hilda seconded. Treasurer’s Report & Budget Review: Kate Lord reviewed the 2024/25 budget review and outline any changes. Income is almost 19k. We paid for part of bussing and Grizzly Ranch. It was unexpected because of the weather—projected snow required charter buses. Kate is working on solving the back tax with the Secretary of State. Curriculum grants were approved to include sixth grade holiday math and reading incentives. Fleece jackets for staff from FlyLow for women and men at half off. It will have embroidery of the mountains and ACMS and ACMS contributed approximately $2600 which was half. Discuss adding money to Stuco (Student Counsel) expense line which was a proposal initially. We discussed putting something into the expense line. Principal’s Update: Hien Larson gave the Principal’s update. She thanked PTO for transportation to Grizzly Ranch for the 6 th graders. 6 th graders had a good time—the entire grade went at the same time. We have a rally this Friday and the school needs tricycles for the rally. It seems like the kids love the rallies and the sprit week activities. Progress grades go out 12/4 and parents have to view them in Jumprope. Hien says the emphasis is on work habits and that the school will start doing celebrations each trimester. She will ask parents to bring food and PTO to provide coffee and tea. It will be for students who have “3s” in work habits. This Thursday is karaoke and open mic night at the school. ACMS students and parents are welcome to attend. Winter concert coming up. The warm coats and toy drive bins are looking empty so Hien encourages people to donate. Hien thinks the year is going very well. Grant Requests: Kate Lord reviewed any grant request. PTO Admin: Our next meeting is scheduled for January 7th. It was discussed whether we should stick to the schedule and hold it in person at 7:45 am after school drop off OR hold a Zoom meeting at 6 pm that evening (or pick another date entirely). The group decided another date would probably work best. RE: 8 th grade promotional meeting, we discussed when to get going—perhaps February or March. Sixth-Grade Outreach: Nicole Sachse had the idea to write a letter targeted specifically to sixth-grade parents, outlining what PTO does and why/how they can get involved. We’d roll this out after the holidays–hard copy in backpacks, email/text–with help from Hien. Touchdown Tamales: Super Bowl LIX is on Sunday, February 9 . Elvia will check in with Rosa to see if she’ll cook again. The plan is to run it the same as last year: Last year, we ordered 12 dozen. Raffle tickets were $10 each, with 10 winners chosen. We ran a separate (free) raffle for ACMS staff, with two winners chosen. Tentative Schedule: Blast email on Wed, Jan 29th. Sell tickets through Wed, Feb 5. Choose the winners on Thurs, Feb 6. Tamales pick up on Fri, Feb 7. PTO Board & Committee Chairs: President (Laurie K.), Vice President (Brandy C.), Treasurer (Kate L.), Secretary (Open), Communications (Jill C.), Sponsorships (Brandy C., Erin V.), Conference Week Lunches (Kate P., Erin V.), Silent Auction (Open), Staff Appreciation Week (Kristin C.). Looking Ahead Minimum Day: Wednesday, December 11 Winter Break: December 23–January 3 First Day of School for 2025: Monday, January 6 Adjourn: See you in 2025. Happy holidays, everyone! ✌️❤️ Meeting held on 11/5/24 at ACMS Staff Lounge. Called to order at 7:50am.
PTO Meeting Attendees: Principal Hien Larson, Nicole Sasche, Jill Cox, Kate Parkhill, Hilda Vasquez, Brandy Christensen, Laurie Kuntz and Sarah Maile. Welcome and Intro: Laurie Kuntz gave a welcome and discussed the open board positions. Brandy moved to approve minutes from the October meeting and Jill seconded that motion and the minutes were approved. Treasurer’s Report and Budget Review: Kate Lord is absent. The new banners are up for the sponsorships. We will move the banner in the spring from the gym to the rear of the school. Principal’s Update: Hien gave a thanks for the lunches during conference week and support. Hien reports the dance went really well and spirit week the kids seemed really into it. Halloween week was great with the teachers dressing up and being really into it. Cougar Pride—Hien wants to give the grade level winners some swag. Hacky sacks are a possibility. Yearbook photos—please talk to parents about getting them in. Check in/check out system is for safety. Parents can call 10 minutes before or do it at home. Carnegie parent night for math is Thursday and the special ed parent advisory is also going on that night. Hien encourages parents to attend. ACMS is a “School to Watch” which is an award designation. It is a national recognition and ACMS is the only Tahoe Truckee School to be recognized for this. Hien will be helping get some families with holiday supplies and she asks that we bring any family needs to her. The group also discussed Flylow fleece zips for staff and PTO to split the cost (approximately $3500). Then there was a discussion of Full Belly Deli gift cards Student of the Month (in addition to the Cougar Cards). It would be approximately $800. Grant Requests: Conference week Recap: Thank you to Kate and Erin for all of their hard work! The feedback was great. Kate will write up a memo of what worked and what didn’t work. PTO Admin: We are still seeking a 6th grade parent willing to join the Board as a Secretary. PTO Board & Committee Chairs: Silent Auction: Looking ahead: 8th grade promotion—meeting is in January and is a joint meeting with PTO. We need someone to oversee the budget. Next meeting is December 3 rd at 6pm. Meeting Adjourned at 8:40am. Oct 1st 2024 at ACMS Staff Lounge, 7:45am.
Meeting called to order at 7:45am. Attendees: Hilda Vazquez, Jill Cox, Ari Holt, Dyan Johnson, Michelle Oelkers, Nicole Sactse, Kate Parkhill, Chris Gage, Brandy Christensen, Laurie Kuntz, Kate Lord, Kristen Cooksey Welcome and Intro: Laurie welcomed everyone to the meeting. Kate made a motion to approve minutes and Hilda seconded it. Budget: Kate provided a budget update and went over current status of budget. Principal Update: Hien discussed recent events and positive start to school year, thanked PTO for purchasing a microwave and coffee maker for staff lounge. Rallys and school spirit is a focus this year and building pride at school. Cougar Pride cards are a success and Hien hands out gift cards that PTO funds. Hien needs more gift cards. On the 18 th is the rally and the dance. ASB fundraising for sports was discussed and how ASB funds are used for sports/private busses. Dance will now be $20 and there will be 3 for fundraising dances. Dances are ACMS only; parent chaperones needed. Student led conferences are coming up and PTO will provide lunches for staff that week. The 6 th grade field trip is upcoming. There is a new Wellness Specialist—a former Alder Creek student named Kirby Faulk. She went to UC Berkley and has a wellness based degree. Grant Request: Laurie discussed process. No grant requests today. Sponsorships: Brandy gave a sponsorship update. We have $11,600 received of approximately $15,000 pledged. Laurie discussed how the sponsorship drive is our main fundraiser in the beginning of the year with an auction in the spring. Conference week lunches: Week of October 21 st the PTO provides lunches. Kate Parkhill explained the process for Sign Up Genius. Fuddhism is donating a Mediterranean lunch spread. Laurie Kuntz will take care of coffee. PTO Board Positions: We have an open position for Secretary. Meeting Adjourned at 8:16. Next meeting is November 5th at 7:45am in the ACMS Staff lounge. Meeting minutes taken by Brandy Christensen. September 3, 2024
Raley’s One Loft, Truckee, 6:00 pm Present: Laurie Kuntz, Hilda Vazquez, Brandy Christensen, Hien Larson, Dyan Johnson, Kate Lord, Pam Madigan, Kate Parkhill, Autumn Lincoln, Stacey Jacobs, Kristin Cooksey, Erica Garcia Quorum Present?: Yes Welcome/Intro, Laurie K.: -Meeting called to order at 6:07 pm. -Adopt June 2024 meeting minutes. -MOTION to approve the June meeting minutes made by Hien L.; Kate L. seconded, passed without dissent. Treasurer’s Report, Kate L.: -Quick review of last year and shared copies of last year’s budget. In 2023/24, we focused efforts on sponsorships and the auction, meaning we didn’t have to fundraise throughout the year, except for the Touchdown Tamales raffle before the Super Bowl. This new direction was a big success: Sponsorships brought in $11,300, the Silent Auction, $9,450; and the Open House Kermes dinner, $2,150. Eighth-grade promotion party was wildly successful. Haven’t fully reconciled accounts yet, but the committee brought in over $4,000 to cover the costs of the party. -Shared copies of the 2024/25 proposed budget. The Board made some minor changes at the end of last year. This is a working document that can/will be amended throughout the year at PTO meetings as needs arise. We increased money for assemblies, SWEP, field trips (transportation costs), student celebrations, and teacher grants for curricula. -The Board would like to mindfully spend down a fraction of our reserves this year. -MOTION to approve 2024/25 budget made by Brandy C.; Stacey J. seconded, passed without dissent. Principal’s Report, Hien L.: -Best back-to-school in years! ACMS got a visit from the Superintendent and various School Board members. Everyone was very impressed with the calm, joy, and excitement of the students. -This year’s focus is on building community and celebrating middle schoolers. -The first rally was held on Friday. Haven’t had a real rally since Covid. Leadership plans the whole event, games, songs, etc. The 8th-grade class was honored, there was lots of competition, many Cougar Pride giveaways, and teachers were super involved. Leadership’s goal is to have a rally once a month. They’re held on Fridays after 2nd period, following the posted rally schedule. -BTSN is on Thursday. Parents will report to the gym for Hien L.’s introduction of the staff and information about the school year plans, then parents follow their child’s class schedule. There are about 10 minutes allowed per period to meet teachers and hear about class plans. -Site Council: There are three positions open this year and three candidates up for election; please vote. Site Council is a great way to see what’s happening with goals and budget. -ELAC community meeting on September 18th @ 5:30 pm, jointly with Truckee Elementary (meeting will be held @ TES). PTO will aim to have a joint meeting/social in October if possible and definitely in April before the Open House/Kermes. -Thursdays and Fridays are spirit days: Thursdays are college/career days; wear your favorite college or company shirt. Fridays are ACMS days; wear red or ACMS swag. -Leadership will give out Cougar Pride cards for student participation on these days. There will be a bigger class prize at the end of the year for the class with the most participation. -Laurie K. will get Hien L. more gift cards for Cougar Pride giveaways. -Picture Day is this Friday. -Grizzly Ranch: This year, the whole 6th grade going together, two days and one night. Very exciting! It’s the first year since before Covid that has been allowed. -Sports: XC and basketball starting. Parents need to upload forms to Register Your Athlete, plan ahead, make appointments, and do the paperwork early. The administration is trying to get the word out about the low-cost options for sports physicals, about the necessary timing, etc. Right now, middle schoolers only need sports physicals every two years; once they get to high school, new rules dictate they are needed every year. -Suggested donations for sports fees go towards transportation costs and towards subsidizing physicals. -The new PE teacher, Jasmine Lance, is a BIG hit all around. Kids are psyched, the PE department as a whole is energized, and the locker room looks amazing. It’s going to be a great year for learning lifelong fitness! -ACMS student numbers are up to 560. New students from North Tahoe, SELS, TEA, and out-of-town. New Business, Laurie K.: -Grant request from the administration: Requesting $2,500 to cover half the cost of the Renaissance program (AR tests, etc). Admin was told that this year, money to cover program renewal must come out of the site budget. Other schools have asked for and gotten PTO support, including GES. This will benefit ALL students with goal setting and pushing towards the 1 Million Word Club, and successes will be celebrated at rallies. -MOTION to approve $2,500 towards Renaissance renewal made by Kate L.; Stacey J. seconded, passed without dissent. -Grant request from administration/Leadership: As part of this year’s goal to build community and school pride, the Student Council would like to design and print t-shirts for all students to wear on rally days and on Cougar Pride days. The PTO’s concern is that we have been burned with spirit wear and that if we buy the shirts, they go home, and then kids forget or refuse to wear them when they’re asked to. Could we keep them at school? There was discussion about putting sponsors on t-shirts, but kids are unlikely to wear them around town, at least initially. The original guesstimate was $10/shirt, but Leadership is now trying to get a cheaper quote. Hien L. will return to Laurie K. with an actual estimate, and then PTO will vote (via email) on how much support we can provide. -Sponsorships: The campaign is live until September 23rd. We have a few returning commitments already totaling about $5,000, with more letters in the mail. Our (very conservative) goal is $10,000, but we would like to beat last year’s $11,300 and have a cushion heading into conference week teacher meals and any unforeseen upcoming grant requests. More effort put here by everyone means less burden on parents throughout the school year. There was a suggestion to also hang a banner in the 7th-grade drop-off area. Laurie K. will speak with Hien L. Seems like a terrific idea. -Conference Week: Quick overview of what has been done historically. PTO is actively looking for two new people to take over organizing this year’s lunches, coming up with new themed days, updating SignUp Genius with parent food donation requests, etc. -Board Positions: Laurie K. is President, Brandy C. is Vice President, Kate L. is Treasurer, OPEN position of Secretary, Jill C. is Communications/Social Media, and Hilda V. is the ELAC representative. Hoping a new parent will take on the secretary position. Doesn’t require a ton of effort–mostly taking meeting minutes–however will necessitate the commitment to be at most meetings. -Big kudos and thanks to the new 6th-grade parents who joined us tonight. And to the other 7th- and 8th-grade parents who were joining us for the first time! Meeting adjourned at 7:13 pm by Laurie K. Next Meeting, October 1st at 7:45 am at ACMS Minutes submitted by President, Laurie Kuntz Alder Creek Middle School PTO Meeting Minutes
June 4, 2024 Raley’s One Loft, Truckee, 6:00pm Present: Laurie Kuntz, Hilda Vazquez, Brandy Christensen, Chandler Bertoli, Jill Cox, Hien Larson, Saira West, Dyan Johnson, Kate Lord, Yvonne Moore Quorum Present?: Yes Welcome/Intro, Laurie K.: -Meeting called to order at 6:15pm. -Adopt May 2024 meeting minutes ; MOTION to approve last month’s meeting minutes made by Hien L.; Saira W. seconded, passed without dissent. Treasurer’s Report, Kate L.: -Silent Auction brought in $9450. KERMES dinner brought in $2150. Grocery Outlet has donated $2319 this year through receipt percentage program. Reviewed some expenses for each grade. Principal’s Report, Hien L.: -Thanks to the PTO for helping with field trip transportation. 7th grade had field day and headwaters. 6th grade will go to the airshow. New Business, Laurie K.: -PTO calendar: meetings - stick with first Tuesday of the month? Alternate between morning and evening? Evenings at Raley’s? Hilda suggested one or two virtual meetings. Two meetings to be combined with ELAC. For combined meetings, late October works for site plan timing, and April works for Open House planning. All thought the first Tuesday of the month still works (avoiding the same day as Truckee High Boosters meetings), and we liked alternating between morning and evening with evenings at Raley’s. -Budget for next school year: preliminary meeting with Hien, Laurie, and Kate. Increasing teacher grants, adding an additional assembly to fund, increase SWEP funding to increase programming, increase field trip budgets since transportation costs have gone up so much. We are nixing spirit wear since our time and effort is better spent elsewhere. Will continue with tamale fundraising. Will concentrate on sponsorships, and open house silent auction/Kermes. -ELAC: Laurie asked Hilda to translate PTO minutes at ELAC meetings. -Sponsorships: started an electronic folder for fall 2024 -Board Positions: MOTION to elect Brandy Christensen as Vice President made by Hien L.; Kate L. seconded, passed without dissent. Saira and Yvonne are graduating, Laurie K. will stay as President, Kate L. will stay as Treasurer, Brandy Christensen is going to be Vice President, Jill C. will continue to take care of Social Media, Hilda V. will continue as the ELAC representative. Hoping an incoming parent will take on the secretary position. -8th Grade Promotion Event: Donations are being collected from the 8th grade parents, Raley’s is donating some food, Tahoe Forest Hospital District donated $1000, West Orthodontics donated money for the photo booth. -Thank you to Saira and Yvonne for their service to this year’s PTO board. PTO gifted potted flowers from Chandler of Alpine Charm to Yvonne, Saira, Hien and Laurie. Meeting adjourned at 7:05pm by Laurie K. Next Meeting, TBD Minutes Submitted by Secretary, Yvonne Moore Alder Creek Middle School PTO Meeting Minutes
May 7, 2024 Raley's One Loft, Truckee, 6:00pm Present: Hilda Vazquez, Brandy Christensen, Jill Cox, Hien Larson, Yvonne Moore, Laurie Kuntz Absent: Kate Lord and Saira West Quorum Present?: Yes Welcome/Intro, Laurie K.: -Meeting called to order at 6:09pm. -Adopt April 2024 meeting minutes ; MOTION to approve last month’s meeting minutes made by Hien L.; Brandy C. seconded, passed without dissent. Principal’s Report, Hien L.: -Thanks to PTO for teacher appreciation week; lunch, straw hat gift, breakfast, sweets, bucket, etc. -Active end of the school year. CAASPP testing is starting next week. Kids need a charged Chromebook every day, a good night’s rest, and a healthy breakfast. Testing is about an hour per day. The wellness center will have extra outdoor activities to keep them active. All grades will have a beach day. 8th grade will go to a Reno Aces game and have an awards night before graduation. 7th grade will have the Headwaters field trip. 6th grade go to the airshow. Leadership has a field trip to Sand Harbor. All grades Talent show on 5/30, students’ tryout. Treasurer’s Report, Laurie K.: -Grocery Outlet donation from percentage of receipt program going well. -Kermes brought in over $2000. Laurie gave thank you chocolates to the admin staff and Ivana for helping to organize. Staff Appreciation Week, Laurie K.: -Laurie requested to increase the budget to $2000 (around $25 x 75 staff) since inflation is increasing costs. A MOTION to increase the budget to $2000 for Staff appreciation week was made by Hien L.; Jill C. seconded, passed without dissent. -Kristen Cooksey organized the week and Brandy C. helped. Brandy mentioned more sides were needed for the lunch next year. Silent Auction, Laurie K.: -Taking place now. Didn’t do baskets this year hoping that parents would bid more on the silent auction. Might decrease a few opening bids for items that haven’t been bid on, the day before the auction closes. Hien will send a text blast Wednesday and Thursday to ACMS parents reminding them about the silent auction. Grant Requests, Laurie K.: -Assembly from Kevin Bracy went well. -Grant requests from Pam Hamilton. 1) $450 for Headphones to use for testing for all 6th grade students (about 200 students). 2) $100 for multiple scissors that cut cardboard. MOTION to approve both of Pam Hamilton's grant requests made by Yvonne M.; Hien L. seconded, passed without dissent. 8th Grade Promotion, Laurie K.: -Planning committee has been meeting and things seem to be going well. -Yvonne requested the budget be increased for the current 8th grade promotion event if needed, since the current 8th grade class only used about $600 of the $2000 in the 2022-2023 PTO budget for their field trip, and used $0 from the 2021-2022 PTO budget due to COVID restrictions. The group agreed the budget should be increased if needed. Other Business: -Hilda works at Northstar transportation. Looking into helping with future TTUSD field trip transportation needs. Meeting adjourned at 6:50pm by Laurie K. Next meeting, June 4, 2024, 6:00pm at Raley’s One Loft, Truckee. Minutes Submitted by Secretary, Yvonne Moore MINUTES 4/16/24
ELAC Crossover Meeting at ACMS, PTO joined @ 6pm. PTO attendees: Brandy, Saira, Kate, Laurie, Hien, Hilda Vazquez (ELAC-PTO liaison) Hien Larson: Principal’s Update: -Excited to have a crossover meeting. Haven’t had one since before Covid. -The schoolwide assembly with Kevin Bracy was a big success. It was all about kindness and community, and it really impacted the whole school. Students and staff were all speaking the same language. Feedback from Bracy and his crew was that they couldn't believe it was the first day back from vacation, and the kids were all so respectful and engaged. Students wrote postcards and posters with positive messages that will be posted all over the school. -What does the PTO do? The PTO helps support Field trips for AVID kids. Today, we had a Site council meeting to review Excellence in Education grant requests from teachers. The PTO stepped up and paid for several smaller teacher classroom grants so that ExinED could focus on the larger ones. The PTO has also paid for the ELAC meeting dinners this year. If ELAC needs anything for the English learners' classes, they can ask the PTO. Ivana Cobos: Open House Kermes: -Last year, we served one plate: tacos, rice, and beans. The PTO helped pay for the ingredients and sold tickets for the plates. Most people wanted chicken tacos and/or rice and beans. Maybe we should add pozole, elotes, and jello this year. We need ELAC volunteers to sell food in shifts so that everyone can go to their kids' classes. I’ve already sourced tacos al pastor, pollo asado, ice machine for snow cones & water. Can we advertise the Kermes outside of ACMS parents so we make more money? Hien Larson: -Yes, Kermes will be outside so more people can gather. Kermes will be advertised in the principals’ newsletters at other TTUSD schools. Would be great to have more options. At Glenshire, there was a tamale and torta area. ELAC will have access to the kitchen. PTO will need to pay someone to monitor the kitchen. PTO will sell tickets. How many volunteers do we need? PTO may have to adjust the budget to accommodate a bigger, more elaborate kermes. Kermes will run 4:30-7. Classrooms open 6-7. PTO Meeting started at 6:52 PM Present: Laurie K, Kate L, Saira W, Hien L, Brandy C, and Hilda V (our new ELAC liaison!) Not present: Yvonne M Quorum present?: Yes Intro/Welcome: -The March 2024 meeting minutes were approved at 6:55 PM -Hilda Vazquez (has a 7th grader) volunteered earlier in the year to be a liaison between ELAC and PTO. Laurie will get her email and keep her in the loop of all of our happenings. Treasurer’s Report: -Kate reviewed the budget and all updates concerning finances and Hien provided receipts for reimbursements. Our current bank balance is $33,776.54 Spirit Wear -We were able to sell a small amount of spirit wear, but much remains. We are trying to brainstorm times to sell it successfully. Cougar Days is the best option, and it was discussed selling it at Spring Open Houses at the Elementary schools. -We decided that due to our overwhelming Sponsorship success, we don’t need to worry as much about other, smaller fundraisers (such as spirit wear) that take a lot of time and effort to run. Grants -2 Grant requests came in after the site council meeting today and were approved by Laurie Kuntz. Pam Hamilton asked for just under $100 to buy new scissors, and another one just under $200 to purchase headphones Staff Appreciation Week is being run by Kristin Cooksey. -Lifeguard hats with ACMS patches have been ordered and assembled by Yvonne’s contact at Tahoe Dave’s. -The Silent Auction starts the night of open house and will run until the following Friday. Yvonne and Erin have been collecting items. Only a handful of teachers have sent out the auction item request letter. -Hien has a tight Sunnyside connection and she will ask them if there is anyway we can get a meal donated. The sun hats were $1000 and will use up most of the money we had set aside ($1250) We have 75 staff members and the timing is quite tight between the Open House Silent Auction and Teacher Appreciation Week, so it will be hard to solicit $ donations from parents for both events back to back. -Hien also bought beach towels to go with the sun hats. -We have not paid for staffroom snacks recently, so it might be possible to transfer the money set aside for that to help cover some of these extra costs. The Flex fund is designated to cover reimbursements, etc after the budget closes. Graduation -June 18th at 6:00 PM is Graduation. It will be $20 per kid to attend the party afterwards. 165 graduates/ So far they have an ice cream truck, photobooth donated by West Orthodontics, Raleys has provided a $700 food credit, the Lion’s Club will have dinner (not big items, more snacky fun things like sliders), and Alex Tippet will be the DJ ($150) Meeting Adjourned @ 7:34 PM Next meeting, May 7, 2024, 6:00pm at Raley’s One Loft, Truckee. Minutes Submitted by President, Laurie Kuntz and Vice President, Saira West Alder Creek Middle School PTO Meeting Minutes
March 5, 2024 ACMS Staff Lounge, 7:45am Present: Laurie Kuntz, Kate Lord, Hien Larson, Yvonne Moore, Dyan Johnson Quorum Present?: Yes Welcome/Intro, Laurie K: -Meeting called to order at 7:50am. -Adopt February 2024 meeting minutes ; MOTION to approve last month’s meeting minutes made by Dyan J.; Kate L. seconded, passed without dissent. -Middle School parent orientation on 3/21, Laurie will bring ACMS PTO sweatshirts to sell. She will also give a quick PTO info presentation. -Tamales fundraiser was easy for PTO to organize and parents and staff like this fundraiser. Elvia helped organize. Treasurer’s Report, Kate L.: -Income; net $431 from tamales fundraiser. Band teacher Mrs. Tomasello used part of her donation fund for new band instruments. -Current bank balance is $35,033. Principal’s Report, Hien L.: -End of Trimester is this Friday. -Middle school parent orientation for parents of incoming 6th graders is 3/21, 6pm at ACMS. -Great volleyball and nordic season. -Parent night at THS for parents of incoming 9th graders is 3/14. Moved from original date because of snow storm. -High School counselors coming this Thursday to 8th grade math classes to help with HS scheduling. -Very active March: Two minimum days this month, wellness fair 3/13, PTO summit, zone concert. Grant Requests: -Rachel Koles, school counselor, requesting funding for a school assembly with Kevin Bracy; a motivational speaker who will focus on kindness and respect. Assembly will kick off kindness week. Speaker presentation will be for 50 minutes. Building on the assembly afterwards by creating a poster on a primary take away from the presentation. Kindness week begins on April 8. MOTION to approve funding for Kevin Bracy made by Laurie K.; Dyan J. seconded, passed without dissent. Meeting & Events Calendar, Yvonne M.: -No changes. Upcoming Events, Laurie K.: -Open House Silent Auction, To Do: A)Create a letter to parents, requesting creative donations through experiences (e.g. haircut, window washing, etc) B)Email homeroom teachers the parent request letter and have teachers forward it to their homeroom class’ parents. C)Revise donation request sheet. D)Create a Google form for parent donations. New Business, Laurie K.: -Budget amended; line item name changed from ‘Arts for the Schools’ to ‘School Assemblies’. -ELAC and Kermes dinner, Ivana is the ACMS staff contact. -Staff appreciation week headed by Kristin Cooksey. -Staff gift suggestion of straw lifeguard hats with ACMS logo. Meeting adjourned at 8:37am by Laurie K. Next meeting, April 9, 2024, 7:45am at ACMS Staff Lounge. Minutes Submitted by Secretary, Yvonne Moore Alder Creek Middle School PTO Meeting Minutes
February 6, 2024 Raley’s One Loft, Truckee, 6:15pm Present: Hien Larson, Yvonne Moore, Kate Lord, Laurie Kuntz, Nicole Mason, Hien Winter, Jenny Berger, Brandy Christensen, Jill Cox, Amanda Helm, Saira West, Katie Smith Quorum Present?: Yes Welcome/Intro, Laurie K: -Meeting called to order at 6:22pm -Adopt January 2024 meeting minutes ; MOTION to approve last month’s meeting minutes made by Saira W.; Kate L. seconded, passed without dissent. Treasurer’s Report, Kate L.: -Income; received $800 from Grocery Outlet (from percentage of receipts donation), received a new private donation of $2500 for the ACMS band. -Current bank balance is $35,449, $4,000 is specifically for band and cross country. Principal’s Report, Hien L.: -Superintendent is trying to use delayed start when possible, instead of a snow day. -Emphasizing the importance of student attendance. 20% of students missed more than 10 days last school year. It helps to bring in a letter from the doctor if the absence is due to an appointment. If absence is due to non ACMS sport, fill out a sports contract. Practicing good attendance now, prepares students for regular high school attendance, since one missed day in High School = two missed days (due to block schedule format.) PTO suggestion to add a reminder to bring in a doctor’s note on the ACMS ‘Parent Student Check In/Out’ Google form. -School dance this Friday, 2/9/24. Chaperones are still needed. On average 400 students attend. -Volleyball and Nordic teams are doing well. -High School Information night for 8th grade parents is February 29, 2024 at Truckee High School. -The end of the year, 8th grade Washington D.C. trip is not school sponsored. -LCAP survey closes this Friday, please fill out online. -Student leadership ‘Staff recognition program’ starts this week recognizing the ACMS counselors. -There are 4 or 5 new staff members and they would like to have flannel shirts from the PTO. Grant Requests, Kate L.: -None Meeting & Events Calendar, Yvonne M.: -No changes Upcoming Events, Laurie K.: -Touchdown Tamales: Rosa is making 12 dozen at $30 per dozen, 2 dozen will be raffled off for free to staff. Last day to enter is tomorrow. So far we have $400 donated. -Open House Silent auction May 2, 2024: We are not doing the baskets this year to help take the pressure off the teachers to collect items. Also hoping more parents will bid on auction items since they aren’t bidding on baskets. Will ask homeroom teachers to send a PTO letter requesting parents donate goods or services to the auction. Letter will include a Google form to facilitate donation collection. Committee volunteers, Yvonne Moore, Kate Lord, Erin Videgain, Amanda Helm, Brandy Christensen, Nicole Mason, Cortney Hadley, Delana Hubscher. Laurie K. will ask ELAC to host Kermes dinner at Open House. -Staff Appreciation Week May 6-10. New Business, Laurie K.: -Still have some spirit wear, sell at 5th grade ACMS parent orientation night. -Reevaluating how we effectively contact ACMS parents, e.g. Constant Contact emails, PTO newsletter, Cougar News, etc. PTO digital newsletter not getting many views, probably not worth the time going forward. Meeting adjourned at 7:13pm by Laurie K. Next meeting, March 5, 2024, 7:45am at ACMS Staff Lounge. Minutes Submitted by Secretary, Yvonne Moore |
MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025