Oct 1st 2024 at ACMS Staff Lounge, 7:45am.
Meeting called to order at 7:45am. Attendees: Hilda Vazquez, Jill Cox, Ari Holt, Dyan Johnson, Michelle Oelkers, Nicole Sactse, Kate Parkhill, Chris Gage, Brandy Christensen, Laurie Kuntz, Kate Lord, Kristen Cooksey Welcome and Intro: Laurie welcomed everyone to the meeting. Kate made a motion to approve minutes and Hilda seconded it. Budget: Kate provided a budget update and went over current status of budget. Principal Update: Hien discussed recent events and positive start to school year, thanked PTO for purchasing a microwave and coffee maker for staff lounge. Rallys and school spirit is a focus this year and building pride at school. Cougar Pride cards are a success and Hien hands out gift cards that PTO funds. Hien needs more gift cards. On the 18 th is the rally and the dance. ASB fundraising for sports was discussed and how ASB funds are used for sports/private busses. Dance will now be $20 and there will be 3 for fundraising dances. Dances are ACMS only; parent chaperones needed. Student led conferences are coming up and PTO will provide lunches for staff that week. The 6 th grade field trip is upcoming. There is a new Wellness Specialist—a former Alder Creek student named Kirby Faulk. She went to UC Berkley and has a wellness based degree. Grant Request: Laurie discussed process. No grant requests today. Sponsorships: Brandy gave a sponsorship update. We have $11,600 received of approximately $15,000 pledged. Laurie discussed how the sponsorship drive is our main fundraiser in the beginning of the year with an auction in the spring. Conference week lunches: Week of October 21 st the PTO provides lunches. Kate Parkhill explained the process for Sign Up Genius. Fuddhism is donating a Mediterranean lunch spread. Laurie Kuntz will take care of coffee. PTO Board Positions: We have an open position for Secretary. Meeting Adjourned at 8:16. Next meeting is November 5th at 7:45am in the ACMS Staff lounge. Meeting minutes taken by Brandy Christensen.
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MeetingsThe next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 4th at 6:15pm at Raley's Upstairs Lounge Archives
January 2025